Wierd love & wierd chapter

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The three of them were around the Moon granpa's crave.Just the candle was lightening up the sight.They all had small smiles plastered on their faces as the scent of the smoke gave them back memories.

"I remember when we used to live... that Melody and I used to dance and sing.And she had a long dress.And she was playing with a girl.They were in the school yard and I was about to bring her home.It was the first time she smiled after you died." Austin frowned a little as he placed a white flower on the grass.

"Ummm what are you doing?" asked Melody confused.

"Ummm I brought our grandfather a flower."he said it in a 'duh tone'.

"You don't place it on the grass!Here you're not in America and not between Catholics,Austin.You see that amount of mood with flowers that looks like a little garden?"she pointed to a pretty small place with a cross with some letters wrote on it.

Marcus Moon.That was the name of their grandfather below was something wrote that Austin couldn't quite understand.

"Yup."he answered.

"That's his crave.He was from here Austin.He was orthodox."the blonde girl said as she picked up the flower and placed it below the cross.

"And next time bring a red one.We are not allowed to wear white when we go to the cemetery (true fact)." she told him and he nodded.Now Ally... it's your turn.What do you remember?"Melody smiled at Allison,wich she gladly returned.

"Ummm...I remember when I first met you."she chuckled.

"Me?"Austin asked and the brunette nodded.

"Yup. I remember you perfectly Austin.You had a pair of black glasses,but they weren't nerdy.Something like Joe Jonas would wear."she answered and they all laughed.

"And you had a white shirt,a pair of turquoise converses and jacket...oh! And a pair of black ripped jeans.You looked pretty cool for a 5th grader" she winked and Austin blushed and wrapped his arm around her.

"Hey!Hey!No flirting in the cemetery. Wow!I never thought I'd say that." Melody cracked up in laughter.


It's been a while and they shared lots of memories.Lots of creatures (or how you human beings call them "monsters" wich in my opinion is an insulte,evenif they are not real,wich they aren't,I still find it offensive because you don't know the real legends.Wanna hear a hint? Yes!Dracula existed!His real name was Vlad,but everyone called him Dracula because "Drac" means devil in romanian.) came to listen their stories.They were all funny.They had a pretty interesting life.

"Oh!I remember the day Austin first talked to you Ally"Melody snapped her fingers with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"I remember it as if it was yesterday..."

It was the first day of school and I was waiting for my brother,Austin to pick me up.I was finally in school for the first time and I had to admit that it was a pretty scary day.I thought school is fun,but man!Was I wrong...

Now here I was,waiting for that idiot to come to pick me out already!The teacher is here,with us and she's creeping me out.And I really need to pee!And I'm also thirsty and hungry.Ugh!I hate my big brother.

Suddenly I saw that mop of messy blonde hair and along with it the tall guy that I call Austin.

"Austin!"I ran up to him and hugged his legs since he was soo tall and I was soo short.He just starred off in space,smiling dreamly.

"If you don't move,some things might happen!"I told him snapping him back into reality.

"Oh hi Mel.How was school?"I just smiled at him and he understood that I didn't want to answer,so he just grabbed my hand and my back pack and we walked home.On our way home,I kept glancing at him.He was in a deep thought and quite happy I may add.And I would've asked him what's going on if I didn't need soo many things right now.

Right after we got in our yard,I let go of his hand and ran in the bathroom.After I cooled down with everything (meaning food water and the others),I walked in the living room with a plate of pancakes.Austin loves pancakes.Oh no!Where to hide,where to hide?

"Oh hi Mel!Who brought you home?"is that guy serious?HE DIDN'T NOTICE THE PANCAKES! That's my chance.I stuffed them in my mouth and waited to talk with him.If he didn't notice the pancakes,that means it had to be something really important.

I sat down next to him and patted him on the shoulder.He turned his attention to me after a while and smiled.He picked me up and sat me on his lap.He treats me like a doll!

"What's wrong princess?"he asked me.

"What's wrong with you.You're acting....different."I said leaning my head a little like a dog.He sighed dreamily.Here we go again!

"I met the most perfect,gorgeous,smart and beautiful creature ever." he said grinning widely.

"Creature?Mommy said they aren't real."I raised my eyebrows.I'm still trying to raise just one,but I just can't!

"Haha!I meant a girlMelody.Her name is Allison Dawson.I think I like her.She's my new friend "he chuckled.

"Oh.Then I don't want to hear." I said as I got off of his lap.I thought it was something interesting.Noy my brother playing kissy kissy with a girl.

Melody finished as everyone started laughing.Yeah.That's how a 7 years old thinks everyone if you were wondering...

"Oh!I remember when I first admitted that I like Ally."Austin said starring at his girlfriend and smiling dreamily.She smiled back.

"I was in our garden with Melody and we were playing....

"Hey Austin!You missed!I won!" Melody said happy.

"Mhmmm..."I said still thinking.I was older now.16.And Melody was 10,but O still enjoyed spending time with my baby sis.

"What happened Austin?You seem kinda out of it.Melody said as she sat down beside me.

"I have felt those....things lately."I said placing a hand on my heart.

"What kind of things?"she asked concerned.

"I know I like Ally,but it lately it felt wierd.More wierd than usually."I confessed.She giggled.

"Don't you see?"

"See what?"

"You love Ally."

"But I can't love Ally.She's my best friend.That's just wierd.

"Love is wierd."

Everyone awed and they just chuckled.

"That's how I realised the wierd love I share for you."Austin spoke as he hugged Ally.

"Well grandpa...that's basically it.Our lifes as humans.I promise I will read my other diaries for you." Melody smiled and kissed the cross. She blew off the candle and they all walked home.

"Love is wierd,huh?"the blonde girl chuckled.

"Any kind of love.Even the love I share for you is wierd."Austin hugged his little sister as they all laughed and made their way to their house.

There the Lynches were waiting for them.Now they could call this place home.Because home is where your family is and the Lynches were their family.

"What are you doing here?!" Melody asked happy.

"Who knows?The love for your family makes you do lots of wierd stuffs."

"I guess everyone agrees that love is wierd."they all laughed and hugged each other.

Love may be wierd,but it's the best feeling in the world.

Wierd love (Auslly) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now