And every day after that

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Warnings: Past mentions of abuse, kinda depressive

Word count: 979

"Draco I'm cold" Harry whined at his boyfriend. Without looking up from his book and at Harry Draco replied.
"Put a jumper on then sweetheart"
"I already have" Harry said back with a slight smirk in his tone. Draco quickly found out why as he looked up and saw Harry in one of his jumpers.

Draco tried to bite back the smile that played on his lips. He very much succeeded in that.
"Get another one Harry, or a blanket"
Harry let off a whine that sounded very much like it came from a 5 year old.

"But Dray.." Harry whined
"But Harry" Draco mocked Harry's tone.
"Can't you just cuddle me, please"
"Harry, darling. I'm not your personal space heater!" Draco half yelled.

"Okay" Harry said sadly as he walked off to find a blanket. He came back to the living room with a face like a slapped ass and he was no longer were Draco's hooding it was now one of his own. As he sat in the chair near the couch he turned on the tv.

Draco was still reading about an hour and a half later when Harry had finished his movie. As the credits rolled Draco looked over at the his lover, he was sleeping. He so small and innocent. Not a worry in the world.

But he had dry tear tracks running down he face. Draco was so engrossed in his book he hadn't noticed Harry crying or falling asleep. Was he watching a sad movie?  Draco went to the magic box with the discs that played the movie and hit a series of buttons until it opened. It was one of the American Pie movies so it was the opposite of sad.

That's when Draco realised that it was his fault Harry cried himself to sleep. He didn't cuddle with him. Cuddling is one of the things his childhood had been deprived of. Harry just got pushed around and abused. Hit if he asked for a hug.
"Shit" Draco whispered to himself as he pulled the sleeping Harry to his chest and carried him bridal style to their shared bedroom.

He put Harry in the bed carefully, pulled of his jeans and the ridiculous hoody that was probably Dudley's. He crawled in bed and sat up against the head board even though it was only one in the afternoon.

He carefully manoeuvred Harry so his head was in Draco's lap. His arms self consciously wrapped around Draco's legs. Draco felt BAD that he did this to Harry, how something so little could effect someone so much. He had fucked up.

Harry woke about 3:30, he woke to Draco's fingers running through his mop of black hair. He loved this feeling. The feeling of being loved, the feeling of being wanted. He was in bed and his head in the lap of Draco. He remembered what happened before he went to sleep the whole cuddling thing. And he frowned not wanting to actually be awake.

Draco though, noticed Harry was awake. He grabbed the smaller man around the top of his torso, one hand under his armpit and manhandled him up into his chest, so Harry was cuddled up into to him.
"I'm sorry Harry, I'm so sorry"
Draco was just met with silence,
"Sweetheart, please, I'm sor-sorry" Draco's voice cracked thick with emotion. It was weird how something small could have big effect like this.
Harry huffed and nuzzled into Draco's chest before freezing and just getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Draco scrambled up out of bed and after him falling on the way with an 'omph' hurting his side where his hip bone hit the floor.

When he found Harry he was in the kitchen by the fried he just staring at it. He seemed depressed. It want the first time Draco's had seen Harry in this kind of funk.

So Draco walked into the living room his body streaming with guilt. Put in a pirate movie that Harry loved. Something about the Caribbean? He got a few of their fluffy blankets and piled them on the sofa. When he walked back into the kitchen Harry was still staring at the fridge-freezer they had.

Draco went and got to spoons before manoeuvring around Harry to get the ice cream out the freezer. He went and put them down on the coffee table in-front of the tv. Then back to the kitchen to get Harry.

"Harry, baby, come on" he said as he put his hand out for Harry to take. Which he didn't. Draco never had good patience so that why he ended up grabbing Harry and throwing him over his shoulder.
"Put me down Malfoy" 
Draco did but not In the way Harry thought. He sat Harry in the sofa before pulling him into Draco's own chest sat between his legs head on his chest. He draped the blankets over them both. Grabbed the ice cream put in Harry's lap and put a spoon in his hand.

Then he played the movie.
"Draco wh.."
Harry couldn't finish before Draco moved his head to kiss him.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart"
Harry just looked down, in shame? And nuzzled into Draco's chest.
"I'm so so sorry"
" 's alright Dray it's my fault"
"No it's not I shouldn't have said that, I love being you space heater darling. Just like I love you, so fucking much" Draco's voice cracked again near the end, tears threatening to spill.
"Hey, don't cry Dray. Please. It's alright honestly. I've felt this coming for a while. It's not your fault"
Draco didn't believe him for a minute. But he would be their for Harry until his episode passed. And every day after.

After that Draco never said no to cuddling.

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