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"Hubby darling, I think my water just broke."

The man looked around incredulously at his wife, his mouth gaping wide and his cerulean eyes filled with confusion.

Andy Keire was definitely not prepared. What was a man like him, someone who literally lived his life out watching and obsessing with people's decisions, meant to do when his wife just tells him she's about to give birth to their baby? Oh god, their baby-

"Oh my God, umm what am I meant to do? Do I just, y-you know stick a ha-"

"No! Take me to hospital, or something! You're not qualified to do anything."

He nodded desperately and skidded away from her towards the house kitchen. Where were his keys? In the one moment he needed them, they just had to disappear-


"Sorry, wifey! There they are!". He quickly snatched them off the table and rushed towards the door, a heavily pregnant lady walking behind him in tow. Her breathing was laborious and her smooth dark skin glistened with sweat.

"Open the damn door, you stinking' pile of trash!"

"I-I'm trying, okay?!"

She huffed tiredly and shuffled around, turning her face towards the house opposite them before cupping her hands across her face. She ignored the completely distraught and horrified look her husband now possessed.

"Gabby, please don-"


And then, came a car.

The boy was around the age of 15, with dark blue hair and stern, gentle eyes. He saluted the woman and gave her an easygoing grin uncharacteristic for a Iida. His uniform was slightly ruffled due to the speed he had gone off at, and he barely just managed to keep to horror off his face at the sight in front of him.

"Ma'am, is everything alright? I dare say it would've been quite uncool to have shouted at my parents' house like that, but..."

There was an awkward silence, one where the two humans found themselves staring at each other with intense glares.

"I need a taxi."



The doctor sighed. Never had she seen a woman so shocked whilst giving birth to their child. She only hoped that the baby couldn't hear- oh, she wished. "Mrs Keire, please stop panicking. Breathe in, breathe out."

The woman breathed in and then screamed. Her powerful lungs shook the whole hospital. Windows smashed, screams of confusion from patients echoed all around.

Tensei sighed, "Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. To bring her here, I mean."

"Probably not, but there aren't any other women around town qualified to help. Hell, there aren't even any women around. You can blame your mum for that."

"Let's just hope childbirth did weaken her quirk after all."


The wails and shrieks of tears filled the room as the nurse looked lovingly down at the baby she was gently holding, her arms wrapped around their small body protectively.

"Congratulations, Mrs Gabrielle! It's a beautiful baby girl."

Gabrielle huffed out in pure exhaustion, obsidian eyes hooded with drooping eyelids that barely hid the fury they held.

"Lemme see the little bastard."

The nurse hesitated slightly before wrapping the baby in a thick cloth and hesitatingly handing the child to her mother. Her hazel eyes shone with distrust. Who wouldn't after hearing a mother call their child a bastard, almost straight after meeting her?

"Be careful, try not to let her head tilt backwards too much."

"I know how to handle a baby, girl."

The formerly pregnant beast rolled her eyes and quickly took a glance at the bundle now held inside her. Gabrielle found her once terrifying eyes softening and widening in surprise.

The little girl was lying peacefully, her tiny fists curled up loosely around a loose end of string. She had her mothers dark skin, and her fathers piercing cerulean eyes. Small, dark curls of wispy hair lay flatly on her head, and her lips were curled upwards in a minuscule smirk.

"You," Gabrielle marvelled, "Look almost as fabulous as me. Now that is an achievement."

The baby gurgled slightly, almost as if to say 'Keep telling yourself that, hon.'

There was a small silence between the two, as they stared at each other. One with innocent eyes filled with love, and the others with immature, fiery distrust. Though it soon dissipated when the baby fell asleep, head lying on her mother's chest like a pillow.

Gabrielle choked back a small chuckle, her eyes beginning to fill with happy tears. She grasped the baby tighter in her arms and swore to herself to protect her with all her heart.

"You're beautiful, my little Delyse."


The earthquakes had stopped not long ago, and the two males were staring curiously at the door. It was silent until they heard a muffled bark of laughter coming from inside. Their shoulders sagged in relief.

"You think Gabrielle likes the baby?"

Andy paused to think, before slowly nodding with a small smile on his face.

"Yes. Yes, I do."


3. Favourite Animal?

 I adore Nudibranch! Other people call them 'sea slugs', and the moment the word slug is mentioned they recoil! Don't get me wrong, slugs are gross, BUT THESE ARE AdOrAbLe I l o v e t h e m.

Lol I just had a school sports day and because I love art I did the face painting lol XD I managed to dodge doing the 200-metre sprint and just smothered glitter on my face all day.

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