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                                          "A Quirk Apprehension Test?"

A pandemonium of confused retorts echoed after the teacher's statements, faces filled with shock and confusion - excluding the duo-haired boy, who was looking on with a face filled with disinterest - surrounding him. You could see that Aizawa was fed up with them all, and was just about ready to shoot himself. Just to get away from all this.

The brunette ( who Delyse noted earlier to have weird eyebrows ) shouted in protest. "But what about the Entrance Ceremony? Or the Guidance Sessions?!"

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes."

Mina snorted and batted a hand at him, "But I wanna be a cowboy!". Kirishima smirked and Delyse rolled her eyes. "Shut your trap Mina, before you get us in some deep shit. Again."

"When did I ever get you in dee- actually, don't answer that question."

The trio turned back to look at the man, missing the moment when he glanced across at them with a raised eyebrow. They didn't seem particularly interesting. The pink-skinned girl looked like one of those goofballs who screamed at the WacDonalds clown and watched 'Keeping up with the Cardashians' and the boy with the spiky red hair was the biggest eyesore ever. The foreigner girl, who he noted to have looked suspiciously like his old school friend, had pulled out her phone ( What the hell was with that Kermit phone case though? It was so tacky yet she somehow managed to pull it off- barely ) and was playing Crossy Road on her phone. Overall, they were the weirdest kids he had seen ever since that kid who played that Yaoi anime theme tune in History.

He turned his head towards the whole group. "UA is known for it's 'freestyle' education system. That applies to the teachers as well," he raised his watch slightly and sighed. Not over yet. "Softball throwing. The Standing Long Jump. The 50-metre dash. Grip Strength etcetera, You did those all in middle school, right? Your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests." 

Some of the class nodded in confusion, others hummed slightly in agreement.

"The country still insists on prohibiting quirks when calculating the averages of those records. It's not rational. The department of education is just procrastinating."

The man looked around at the students before his eyes landed on the foreign girl ( She was still playing Crossy Road, damnit ). No, he had a feeling if he chose her she still wouldn't show her full potential. He reluctantly switched his gaze towards a familiar blonde instead. His crimson eyes piercing others with a look of sheer boredom and resentment. Bakugo Katsuki, Top of the Entrance Exam. Powerful, yet merciless in a way that would make him unfit to become a hero.

"Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?"

"67 metres."

Aizawa smirked slightly. Okay, he was getting somewhere here! "Great. Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just don't leave the circle. Give it all you've got."

This caught our protagonists attention. 

She quickly flitted her eyes off the phone-screen to look up at the scene playing in front of her. Bakugo Katsuki was a name that sounded familiar to her. Of course, it did. She knew she'd heard it somewhere before, perhaps it was that boy who got stuck in that gross slime monster thingy? She hoped that he didn't have to use too many shampoos to get it out afterwards. The mere thought of it all that made her shiver in pure disgust. It was only then that something caught her attention. Something extremely shocking, almost so shocking that--

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