Dare for Sabre

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Me: We have a Dare.

Lucas: Already?

Sabre: Didn't you just make a chapter?

Me: yep.

Lucas: Who is it from

Me: Its from XxRoboticLauncherxX and We need Positive for this.

Lucas: OOOO Can I see. 

Me *Shows Dare*

Lucas: this is going to be fun!

Me *Summons Positive*

Positive: Wait what? Whats happening? Where am I?

Me: Hello Postitive. you are in my Ask or Dare book. And you have a dare.

Positive: What is it.

Me: you and Sabre have to kiss.

Rainbow: OOOOO.

Me: When did you get here?

Rainbow: I've always been here.

Me: Anyways. Sabre. Positive. 

Positive: Do we have to do it here?

Sabre: Wait. your ok with this?

Positive: Ummm. Maybe.

Me: Just do it already.

Sabre: *Kisses Positive*

Positive: *Kisses back*

Me: *Pulls everyone else out of the room.* Lets just leave them to it.

Rainbow: So thats that.

Lucas: I knew he could do it.

Rainbow: Wait. you knew?

Lucas: you didn't!

Rainbow: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!!! *Flys after Lucas whos running away*

Me: Why does this always happen. Well leave more asks or Dares in the comments. Have a awesome day or night!! Bye

Rainbow: Get back here Lucas!!!!!!!

Steve Saga Ask or DareWhere stories live. Discover now