My ABUSIVE mother

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Keith's Pov
My mother was changing my diaper cause I still wore pull-ups, she literally slapped me for no reason. Making me cry, she slaps me again. I cried, my tears falling, hitting the bed. She grabs my clothes and puts it on aggressively, hurting my legs, making me cry out in pain. She placed it on half way as she pulled me up and hits my back three times, making me cry harder. She only chocked me, making me gasps for air crying.
Narrator/Keith" Alright, you get the picture, she abuses me for no reason, i guess she wasn't ready to be a parent? Or she just crazy? I don't know. All I wanted to do was run, since I was 10, which I did, I ran out of my mothers house so fast. With my book-bag on my back with clothes, snacks, and some money. Now, I still went to school, of course, i still had a friend named pidge holt. She is the best friend I've ever had in my inter life. Of course she knows about my abuse, I told her in 6th grade, when I tell you she was crying, like she was wailing. I had to calm her down, cause I mean we were in class, lol. Anyway, from 6th grade, I've became the "dangerous" kid. I would get into fights with a certain kid, James Griffin. Why do you ask?, well because he always would tease and make fun of me. He makes fun of me cause I love to sing, and dance. Look, I know that sounds like a "girl thing" but I love to sing and dance. It's a thing I do to get me off my past, but he wouldn't understand cause he's the popular kid. He also plays football, thats basically all he talks about, "football", "football", "football", Argh. Anyway, I'm not a YouTuber, but I do post videos of me singing. I go viral all the time, but of course I don't show me face, cause I just, don't like how I look. Anyway, that's how my life's it now. Wait!- oh!, I forgot to tell you, I have a crush on lance, Lance Mcclain. I know I know, I don't stand a chance, but I just thought you should know ^^
Me: thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.
Keith: I don't like where this is going T^T
Lance: me either, I just want to cuddle you! >^< *hugs keith*
Keith hugs back with a tear" this story is sad already"
Me: :/ come on guys it'll get better I promise ^^ anyway, don't judge me on the music, I thought this song would go with the story.  Bye!"
Keith: bye :( *still sad*
Lance: bye! :) *fake smile*

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