Chapter 10

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(Ruby's POV)

I lie on my bed, listening to the sound of Matt's pick-up travelling down the driveway. A tear threatens to fall from my eye, but I refuse to allow it.

The look on Ryan's face when I told him how I felt nearly broke me. I know he's doing his best, but sometimes it's just so overwhelming. I don't think he really understands the effect his protectiveness has on me.

It's not just Ryan being over-protective, but Matt as well. Do they not realize how suffocating they can be at times? I mean, seriously, a girl can only handle so much.

The sound of tires turning onto the stoned driveway drags me out of my thoughts. They must have forgotten something. I think I'll have a shower; I'm not ready to face Ryan just yet.

As I grab a towel from the cupboard, the doorbell rings. That's strange, both Matt and Ryan have keys. I glance out my window but don't see a vehicle. Oooh, maybe it's my new coat finally being delivered!

With that thought in mind, I practically waddle down the stairs in my haste; the doorbell ringing again. "Just hold your horses. How fast exactly do you think a pregnant girl can walk?"

I pull open the front door, a smile on my face, only to find the front garden empty.

"Hello?" I call out. Nothing.

Not even twenty seconds after I close the door does the doorbell ring again. I start to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something isn't right. I turn around and, on shaky legs, make my way towards the front door.

I feel even more uneasy when I am greeted by an empty garden once more. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I can't help but feel in my heart that something is seriously wrong.

Just as I'm about to close the door, I notice a piece of paper fluttering on the doorstep. With great difficulty, thanks to my overly-swollen stomach, I bend down and pick it up. My fingers tremble as I open it up.

You really shouldn't leave the back door open...

Fear courses through my veins as I hear the back door clicking closed.

(Ryan's POV)

You know when you get that feeling that something isn't right, but you don't know what it is? That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I honestly feel sick to my stomach. Like something terrible is about to happen.

It's probably just me over-thinking what just went down with Ruby. Right? I mean, what else could it be? I don't think it's nerves, in fact, I know it's not. I've never gotten nervous before a big game; before any game for that matter.

"You okay, Ry? You're very quiet," Matt asks as we make our way into the dressing rooms. We greet the other guys on our team who are already in the dressing room, before I reply.

"I dunno, man. I just have this weird feeling that I can't shake. I don't know what it is."

"It's probably just from what happened with Ruby. I wouldn't worry to much about it," Matt says before pulling his sweater off.

Should I be worried about it? I mean, everyone has their fights. It's pretty much a normal thing to do. Yet why is my conscious practically screaming at me that something is seriously wrong?

I tear off my sweater and sweatpants and throw on my gear, just as Coach walks into the dressing room.

"Right, guys. Are we all set?"

"Yes, coach," we reply. Sometimes I feel like Coach fancies himself training marines the way he has us answer him.

"You all know what you have to do out there today, so let's get to it."

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