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Sara. Well?! How is it?! Did you settle in?

Me. Yeah! I did! Feels like I never left!

Stella. Are the guys good?

Me. Yeah the guys are good.

Sara. Anything you wanna share?

Me. Well, Jungkook and I...

Stella. Oh my god... what??

Sara. Did you guys go at it. Heh. Heh. *smirk*

Me. Haha. Okay yes. We did.



Sara. Was that his warm welcome?!

Me. Ha! I guess so!

Sara. I feel like I'm the only one who's still a virgin!

Stella. Cause you are! You baby.

Sara. Shut up you bitch! You're annoying as hell!

Me. *laughs*

Stella. Anyways, is there anything you wanted to add to that? We don't need details about it!

Me. Jimin and the members were outside of the door! Standing there! And when Jungkook opened the door, the members went screaming running and Jimin awkwardly stood there and was coming up with excuses as to why he was there!

Sara. What the hell?! They listened to your sex?! Ew!

Me. Jimin said he had something to tell me. But he never told me. And just left.

Stella. That's weird, I don't know why he'd do that!

Me. Neither do I. Anyways guys, I have to go to bed soon. It's my first night back and I gotta rest. See ya.

Stella and Sara. Bye!

call ended

Jungkook. Was that the girls?

Me. Hah! Yep. Just checking in on me.

Jungkook. Baby why don't we have one last time and go to sleep.

Me. I thought you'd never ask!

in the game room

Seokjin. Anyone ready to get defeated at some games?

Taehyung. BRO, sit DOWN, nobody wants to play with you.

Namjoon. Hey i'm back..

Hoseok. Where've you been?

Namjoon. The studio?

Yoongi. What a liar.

Seokjin. You were seeing her again right..

Namjoon. The hell? No I wasn't!

Taehyung. Why would you cheat on Stella in the first place?

Namjoon. I didn't cheat! And where's Jimin!

Yoongi. He's in his room. Dealing with doom.

Namjoon. Doom? What?!

Yoongi. Nothing, nothing. Forget I EVER said ANYTHING.

Hoseok. Okay.. what's going on with you Namjoon? Are you sure you weren't with her?

Namjoon. I was at the studio!

Taehyung. Maybe she was in the studio!

Namjoon. I'm going to bed. Where's (y/n)?

Seokjin. Her and big boy Jungkook are in bed. Either going at it or sleeping. *laughs*

Hoseok. They've been excited for hours! You know man?

Yoongi. And Jimin being a creep listening in!

Taehyung. Ew!

Namjoon. Ew why?

Taehyung. Honestly...

Yoongi. He is creeping.

Hoseok. Anyways i'm tired too..

The members all proceed to bed. You're in bed too, with Jungkook. Fast asleep. But Jimin in his room is moping.

Jimin. I knew it. I knew I still loved her when she kissed Jungkook.
Why did I let her go?
Why did I even fall for her?
I'm so jealous.
I need to rest though.

Yoongi. Are you talking to yourself? Again?

Jimin. AH! I didn't see you there!

Yoongi. Tell. Her.

Jimin. I don't have to tell her! I can always move on and find someone new!

Yoongi. That's not easy, Jimin.

Jimin. I'll sleep on it.

7D7G: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now