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You finally went up to your room to get ready to bed until you hear a knock on your door. You go to check the door to see who's knocking this late.

Me. What- what are you doing?

Jungkook. Doing what I wanted to do from the start. You're mine, (y/n), and nobody can change that. Not even Jimin. You're meant to be with me. Even you know you're meant to be with me. Come on, (y/n), let's do it again.

Me. Jungkook, we have to sleep.

Jungkook. Great, well I've made arrangements to sleep here.

Me. And who authorized those arrangements?

Jungkook. Me. I did.

Me. Get out. For real.

Jungkook. Not until you give me what I want.

Jungkook wanted to make love. You know he does. And you wanted to do it too, with him. You finally gave in and agreed.

Me. Fine.

Other room

Hoseok. I'm not even tired yet.

Taehyung. Neither am I!

Jimin. I'm not that tired.

Yoongi. *mumbles* Go to sleep.

Hoseok. You're not the boss.

Taehyung. We should sneak out!

Jimin. Why should we do that?

Taehyung. I don't know!

Yoongi. Then why say it?

Hoseok. Maybe we can go to the game room! The one in the upstairs lounge?

Taehyung. I brought the switch in case (y/n) didn't have one.

Jimin. Oh then let's go! I can go for a game or two.

Hoseok. Yoongi hyung, we are leaving.

Yoongi. Good.

The three members went up to the upstairs game room. But as they were walking up the stairs they heard some strange moaning and mattress spring sounds coming from a room.

Taehyung. What is that?!

Hoseok. Must be Namjoon and Stella.

Jimin. Or Jin and Sara.

Taehyung. Or could it be (y/n) and Jungkook!

Jimin. No. It's not.

Hoseok. Yeah, Taehyung, they're not even together.

Taehyung. The sound is getting louder!

Inside your room..

You and Jungkook were both naked in bed. He put you in doggy style, his favorite position. Jungkook is running out of breath as his deep thrusts get harder and harder each time. You are trying to control your moans, in order to not wake anyone up, but you can't help it. Jungkook grabs your hair and makes you moan harder.


Jungkook. You like that huh?


Outside the room...

Hoseok. Holy shit. Someone's getting their insides RIPPED.

Taehyung. I never really liked the sound of sex. Or the smell.

Jimin. The smell?

Taehyung. Yeah, the smell.

Hoseok. When have you ever smelled sex?

Taehyung. At the store.

Hoseok and Jimin look at each other.

Jimin. At the store? What store did you go to?

Taehyung. The mattress store.

Hoseok. The fuck? What? How does it smell like sex there?

Jimin. What?

Taehyung. Have you really ever smelled the mattresses?

Jimin. No. No, Taehyung, we don't.

Hoseok. Smell the mattresses? Are you out of your goddamn mind? A mattress store isn't the garden.

Taehyung. Hey, well at least you know people test out the mattresses by having sex on them. To see if they wanna buy the bed.

Jimin. When you put it that way, you have a point.

Hoseok. That's beside the point! What kind of person smells mattresses?

The three walked to the game room.

Inside your room..

Me. Shit.

Jungkook. Was it bad?

Me. *laugh* No, it was great. Haven't felt that in years.

Jungkook. Come back to Korea.

Me. What?

Jungkook. Come back with us. Live in our dorms. For good. Be with us full time. We can date and live our relationship to the fullest. Think about it we can-

Me. Woah, slow down. I can't make a decision right away! And Jungkook we aren't dating.

Jungkook. Then why did we just have possibly the best sex ever?

Me. ...

Jungkook. Why aren't you answering my question?

You didn't want to reveal your true feelings to Jungkook just yet. You wanted to hold off until things with Jimin were sorted out.

Me. You gonna sleep here?

Jungkook. Yup. With you.

Me. I'll sleep in a guest room.

Jungkook. Come here. You know... I can go for another round.

Me. You got me there...

7D7G: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now