a lot of slots are beginning to close so i'm going to release the judging criteria in preparation for the judging period that will come soon~ you can edit your books to fit the criteria or just use it as a sort of checklist? judges must use this criteria when marking books so you have a sort of structured outline to follow.
the questions are given to help the judge as reference when they judge.
a copy of the judging criteria can be found as an inline comment right here ➡
Please mention the username, title and category of the book you are judging on top of each form.
Title (out of 5 marks): Is the title of the book cliché? is it overused or unoriginal? does it represent the story well? what can be done to improve it?
Cover (out of 5 marks): Is the cover enticing? is the font too small or too big? does it correctly represent happenings or characters within the book? what can be done to improve it?
Description (out of 5 marks): Is it interesting? does it spoil the story? is it too short or too long? is it relevant to the story/title? what can be done to improve it?
Prologue/First chapter (out of 15 marks): How well do they open the scene/setting of the story? do they introduce the characters/main characters? do they erupt curiosity within the reader? what can be done to improve it?
Writing style (out of 25 marks): Are they able to set certain scenes/scenarios well? is their writing stiff or lanky? how diverse is their vocabulary? how well is their descriptive language? do they use proper grammar and edit their work? what can be done to improve it?
Plot (out of 25 marks): Is the plot cliché? is there a well planned plot twist(s) within the story? is the story set out evenly or is it rushed? does the plot/events flow well? is there an obvious decrease in effort placed on the plot? what can be done to improve it?
Character development? (out of 20 marks): Is the character(s) realistic? do the develop over the course of the story? is the character's personality overused/unrealistic? can a moral or story be learnt through the character's personality/development? what can be done to improve it?
Last chapter/Epilogue/Latest chapter (out of 10 marks): Does this chapter end the story well? is the ending rushed? does it show how the characters are doing after the plot twist? does it end abruptly or in an overused manner or does the author close the story well making the reader satisfied/excited with what they have read? what can be done to improve it?
Total: the total of the marks given for the participant for each section out of 110
Sample 1-OH~ the hokey pokey by yATHIFA
Title: The title of the book is one I haven't seen too often and was quite intriguing and made me want to read the book and find out what exactly it meant although it doesn't relate to the actual story very much. 4/5
Cover: The cover did not match the title at all, an image showing a character dancing to the hokey pokey would've been better than a random flower which is completely insignificant to the story. 2/5
Description: The description is quite intriguing yet it doesn't spoil any events which occur within the story although I feel it is too short. 2/5
Prologue/First chapter: The wiggles are introduced well in the opening scene as Emma the yellow wiggle prances around the room in a tutu which shows her great interest in ballet and introduces the beginning of the plot line where we follow the journey of a yellow-obsessed ballet loving girl who isn't quite good at ballet. 15/15
Writing style: The author's writing style is hideous and disastrous. Grammar and vocabulary such as using 'bad' and 'good' can be widened. 0/25
Plot: The plot is un-original as there is already a show called the wiggles with the exact same characters. 0/25
Character development?: The event where Emma falls down and trips over her shoes during a performance but she she still immediately stood up and continued to steal the show, shows her development from a shy and talent-less ballerina to a professional. 8/20
Last chapter/Epilogue/Latest chapter: The ending of the story is rushed with Emma hugging Lachey wiggle and then getting married all of a sudden when no clear romance was shown between the pair throughout the story. It made me mad. 2/10
Total: 33/110
Sample 2-
OH~ the hokey pokey by
Title: 4/5
Cover: 2/5
Description: 2/5
Prologue/First chapter: 15/15
Writing style: 0/25
Plot: 0/25
Character development?: 8/20
Last chapter/Epilogue/Latest chapter: 2/10
Final Comments: The title of the book is one I haven't seen too often and was quite intriguing and made me want to read the book and find out what exactly it meant although it doesn't relate to the actual story very much. The cover did not match the title at all, an image showing a character dancing to the hokey pokey would've been better than a random flower which is completely insignificant to the story. The description is quite intriguing yet it doesn't spoil any events which occur within the story although I feel it is too short. The wiggles are introduced well in the opening scene as Emma the yellow wiggle prances around the room in a tutu which shows her great interest in ballet and introduces the beginning of the plot line where we follow the journey of a yellow-obsessed ballet loving girl who isn't quite good at ballet. The author's writing style is hideous and disastrous. Grammar and vocabulary such as using 'bad' and 'good' can be widened. The plot is un-original as there is already a show called the wiggles with the exact same characters. The event where Emma falls down and trips over her shoes during a performance but she she still immediately stood up and continued to steal the show, shows her development from a shy and talent-less ballerina to a professional. The ending of the story is rushed with Emma hugging Lachey wiggle and then getting married all of a sudden when no clear romance was shown between the pair throughout the story. It made me mad.
Total: 33/110
a random book i don't want to put effort into marking harharhar and you have to guess the title, username and category by yourself cus idc hartyharhar.
Title: 6/6
Cover: 6/6
Description: 8/8
Prologue/First chapter: 6/6
Writing style: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Character development?: 8/8
Last chapter/Epilogue/Latest chapter: 8/8
Total: 62/62