Card Counter

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another trap house one ik. but this isn't a smut, so feel free to skip.

--y/n pov--

lowercase intended

i have been in new zealand with elton, corey, and jay. colby couldn't come because him and sam had business to do, which i completely understood. even though the trip was very fun, and i was very grateful to have gone with my mates, i felt incomplete without colby.

we were supposed to be gone for six weeks, but it ended up being four, because we finished everything early. it made me so happy i got to see my blue haired, blue eyed boy early. we literally drove an r.v. around new zealand, which is a total pain in the ass. but it was fun.

today was finally the day we were flying back to los angeles, california. our flight was delayed 4 hours, which really sucked. elton was beyond mad. he gets mad pretty easily, but i guess that why we love him. finally the flight landed, and everyone from the previous flight was leaving. we were zone one, because we were first class. so the lady called us up, and scanned our tickets, and allowed us on the plane.

there we stairs to another floor. but that other floor was dedicated to first class. "wow elton, you have really outdone yourself!" i whisper yell at him. "anything for my bestiesssss." he said in a girly voice. i giggled and proceeded to sit down in my seat. i sat next to corey, even though we weren't really next to each other because the seats were so big. then jay, and elton sat next to one another.

the flight was fourteen hours. i thought i was going to die. but we got three meals, and there was a t.v. attached to the headrest of the seat in front of me. i watched the three john wick movies, and season four, five, and six of seinfeld. in my opinion the best seasons.

the last 2 hours of the flight were the hardest. my heart was aching for colby so bad. i missed him so much. i looked at the promise ring, and held the expensive necklace colby had gotten me for our first anniversary.

--flash back--

"happy one year anniversary!" colby shook me awake. i groaned, and rubbed my eyes. "happy one year." i giggle back. "i never thought in a million years, i would date anyone this long." colby said, brushing a strand of hair from out of my face. "to be honest, neither did i. but i am so glad i got to spend it with you." i stated, blushing like a moron. "me too, me too. i love you so much, y/n l/n." colby said, pecking me on the lips. "i think i love you a bit more." i said, pulling colby into a loving kiss.

colby pulled away, making me pout. "i have a surprise for you!" colby yelled, jumping from the bed. "oh boy, i hope it's male strippers." i laugh. "not funny." colby glares at me. "it's much better than that." colby says, pulling two boxes out of a drawer, with neatly tied ribbons around the sleek, black boxes.

he sits on the open space next to me. "open 'em." he says, handing them to me. i open the smaller one first, and pull out a beautiful rose ring, with diamonds on it. "colby it is so beautiful!" i said, putting it on my index finger, tearing up a bit. "open the next one." he said, smiling. i untied the ribbon, to reveal a beautiful necklace, that had a rose on it as well. i loved roses so much, just the simplicity of them made my heart warm.

"colby, oh my god, you are making me bawl." i said, fanning my eyes. "here, let me put it on you." colby motions me to sit in front of him. i sit down, and move my hair out of the way. he clips it in the back, and fiddles with it, so it looks perfect. at this point colby was crying to. "thank you so much cole." i said, wiping my tears. "your welcome, just promise me one thing." colby said, grabbing on to your hands. "anything for you, baby." i said, looking him into his eyes. "don't take it off, as long as i love you." he said, tears streaming down mine, and his face. i nod, and he pulled me into a tight hug.

--end of flash back--

i was crying by this point because of how much i missed colby. but i didn't stop telling myself, that i was almost home.

--time skip--

"we made it out alive!" corey yelled, while stretching. he all hummed 'mhm's and 'yeah's in response, since we were much too tired. sam was coming to pick us all up. although, i felt very bad since it was 12 am.

we put all our luggage in sams car, and sped off. "soooo, y/n, are you excited to surprise cole?" elton said, turning his head to look at me. since nobody had told colby that we were coming home early, i wanted to surprise him. "hell yes, i miss him too much!" i said with a pouting face. "colby misses you too, he cried one night because he thought you would never come home." sam giggled slightly. "at least he cares." i say, almost to myself, looking out the window.

--time skip--

"oh my god, i'm so glad to be home." i said, dragging my suitcase out of sams car. "i think we all are." elton said, dragging his suitcase behind him. i walk up the steps, and open the door of the trap house. "still smells the same." i giggle to myself. i set my suitcase down, and run upstairs excited to see colby.

"cole i'm ho-" i said bursting open the door. but getting cut off by the worst thing imaginable. my heart dropped to my stomach. a naked colby, and a naked girl, meaning there was no was this was a prank. the girl quickly pulled the covers over her naked body. i didn't even know who it was. i was heartbroken. every last ounce of happiness, drained, like a bathtub. "i'm sorry." i said, ripped off my necklace, and sliding the ring off my finger.

"what are you doing." colby cried out. "you said not to take these off as long as you love me." i said, throwing the jewelry on the cold, wood flooring. "no." colby said, standing up.

i ran down the stairs, and grabbed my suitcase, since it was already packed with everything i need. i ran out of the door, and threw my stuff in my car, and started it. colby ran out of the house, with only boxers on. i could see everyone run up behind him, as he put his head in his hands, and cry. i pulled out of the drive way, not a single tear spilling from my eyes.

i knew this would happen eventually... i was so foolish. but the worst thing is...

i thought he cared.


lemme know if you wanna part twooo. i kinda felt like doing something a bit different today :p

and if you don't understand the title. counting cards is like, cheating in a casino. soooo, i thought i would be clever, and put the title as card counter. meaning he was cheating. i'll go home. goognight

-yee fuckin' haw

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