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Whats your quirk?

Aries: Control-

Control is a blood type quirk that allows you to manipulate someone's blood to control their limbs as long as they have enough iron in their blood. If you manipulate someone for too long, you'll start to lose your blood by coughing it up.

Taurus: Spot sight-

Spot sight is a form of teleportation that activates when you focus intensely on one spot for a short period of time. When you focus on that spot you teleport there and you can gain more strength the more you teleport. The problem is, your eyesight has to be completely clear and there needs to be enough light for you to teleport.

Gemini: Halves-

Your body is split in half, one side of you is a normal human without a quirk, and the other side resembles a human but it looks more demonic. The arm extends into a black shadow shaped like a big claw with sharp talons, and your iris and sclera are completely black. Theres a single horn that grows out of your forehead as well. You can turn your demonic arm back to normal, but can't hide your horn or black eye. The claws on your one arm are extremely sharp and are very useful in combat.

Cancer: Flame touch-

Anything you touch will melt away and disappear. Its powerful when being used to attack, but cannot be turned off when you want to. You'll have to wear a special type of gloves in order to not cause damage to things you touch.

Leo: Timer-

You can manipulate someone's time by slowing it down, speeding it up, but not completely stopping it. You have to touch someone with all five of your fingers beforehand for your quirk to work, and if you're able to get all 10 of your fingers on them, while they're under your control you can mimic their quirk, although it makes you slower when you do that.

Virgo: Artist-

Anything you draw comes to life and is created like how Momo makes things, but it has to be a clear image and accurately drawn. If its not, the result will just be a mushy mess of nothing turned 3d. You can also store the weapons you make out of this back into the piece of paper you first made them out of.

Libra: Regeneration-

Regeneration is a quirk that allows you to heal injuries done to yourself by another person. It makes you practically immortal and can heal pretty much anything including severed limbs, although that takes a few hours and cause you to pass out. It can't be used offensively so you have to use support gear to attack.

Scorpio: Heat manipulation-

You can control the heat around someone by increasing the temperature or decreasing it at will. To use it on a person you control their core's temperature and lower or raise their inner body temperature. You can do this with normal objects as well, but they have to give off some sort of heat, so normally you can only use it on electronics or humans.

Sagittarius: Geoarm-

Geoarm lets you reshape, control, and move the earth easily in order to use it as a weapon. Only one of your arms can use your quirk leading to its name, and that arm is covered in flowers and vines since its basically part of the earth.

Capricorn: Poison-

Poison lets you create poison and use it like Mina's acid. If someone touches the poison you produce, they will get sick and not be able to fight, and if they ingest any of it, it can be deadly. you create the poison using the excess fat in your body, so you have to eat quite a bit to use it.

Aquarius: Shape Shifting-

You can turn into any animal and use that animal's ability, and you can also turn into another human, however, it will drain you very quickly and can only last so long. If you overuse the quirk, you get an intense headache and won't be able to switch to your normal form for a while.

Pisces: Copy paste-

Copy paste lets you copy the inanimate object that you last touched using your quirk. When you need to, you can paste that same object and use it as a weapon or something to fight. You can only have one object copied at a time, and the last object you had copied will be deleted when you use your quirk on a new object.

Oh my god, it took me like 2 hours to come up with all of that. How the hell does Hirokoshi do this-

 How the hell does Hirokoshi do this-

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