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Why did you get detention?

Aries: You were messing around with Uraraka when she came up with a plan to prank Deku. She made him float in the air during P.E. and you made him in stop in the air with your quirk. (By stopping his blood it don't make sense but hiss) He, being Deku, started to cry and Aizawa got annoyed and gave you two detention.

Taurus: Kaminari and you decided it would be a funny joke to screw with Aizawa during class. Using your quirk, every time he turned around you would "teleport" to another place in the room. At first he ignored it, but then you sat on his sleeping bag and he gave you detention.

Gemini: Jiro and you were insulting each other as a joke during P.E. And you decided it would be a brilliant idea to spook her with your quirk. Your claws cut her arm pretty badly by accident, and you were given detention.

Cancer: You were in class about to pass out on your desk when Momo tapped your shoulder to wake you up. It scared you and your glove slipped off, and your quirk melted part of your desk. Aizawa gave you detention after class.

Leo: You were sitting in class like a good child when Bakugo threw a price of paper at your head. You picked it up off the floor, and it was just a bunch of insults for Midoriya. It pissed you off, and you started to fight. Aizawa stopped you, and you got detention.

Virgo: Bakugo was being an ass during P.E. and challenged you to a fight, being yourself, you accepted. Aizawa stopped the fight before it began, and you guys were both given detention.

Libra: Kirishima and you tried to pull a prank on Bakugo, it didn't end well... the long and short of it, lots of explosions, lots of property destroyed, and Aizawa partly blaming you two. The three of you in detention ended up being much worse.

Scorpio: You were bored in class, and decided to mess with Todoroki. You ended up falling off the chair while trying to get his attention, and knocked over Uraraka in her chair. She cut herself on the window seal, and Aizawa gave you detention.

Sagittarius: You fell asleep in class. Yep. Normally Aizawa wouldn't have given someone detention for that, but Bakugo bothered him into doing it to mess with you. Tsu later got herself in trouble on purpose so you guys could hang out.

Capricorn: You were sitting in class and doing whatever when Ashido threw a pencil at you to get your attention. Long story short, you walked over to her desk during class and poisoned her to get her to stop, which got you detention.

Aquarius: You shapeshifted into a cat to mess with Aizawa. You sat on his desk until he noticed you. You then immediately turned back into a human and scared him, he gave you detention.

Pisces: Mineta was being pervy during class, but luckily the last thing you had copied with your quirk was a knife since you were messing with your siblings. You pasted it into your hand and threatened him with it, Aizawa saw you and gave you detention after taking the knife away.

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