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🌊 When and how did you develop your 🌊 🌊 quirk? 🌊

If you don't remember what your quirk is go back to chapter 3 lol

Arises: When you were five years old, you discovered you could make your friends move against their will. So, you decided to try it out on your dad, by making him give you a high five. Now since he's a fully grown adult, he immediately recognized this as a quirk. He proceeded to celebrate by taking you out for ice cream.

Taurus: You were playing hide and seek with your friends when you were 8, and you were very close to getting caught. You could hear your friends calling out your name, and someone was right next to the tree you were behind. You began to panic and just started looking for places to run to, when suddenly you just moved. It was like you had teleported because you had. You realized this was your quirk and started celebrating, which gave away your position, but it was worth it.

Gemini: It was your first day of second grade when you walked into the bathroom and screamed. In the mirror staring back at you was a thing half human and half... something. You came to realize this was you, with a quirk. One side of you was black and your hands had sharp claws, and the other was just normal. You freaked out and prayed that you could change back, and when you opened your eyes, you only had a horn and a completely black eye. You cried to your dad, who helped calm you down.

Cancer: When you were 10 you had a strange obsession with trying to successfully raise a plant, so your parents had got some for you. One day while you were watering them you had accidentally over watered one and were desperately trying to get some of the water out of the soil. You were holding a paper towel to the soil trying to get it to absorb some of the water, when your towel started melting away. You freaked out a dropped it and went to go to wash your hands-free of the soot, but when you touched the knob on the faucet, it began to melt away. You ran to your mom freaking out, who was excited and explained that was probably your quirk.

Leo: It was your tenth birthday, and you were up on the school rooftop eating lunch with your friends. You were laughing and having fun, when an asshole of a kid, came over to bug you. You two started arguing and soon you got super pissed at him. Suddenly, time seemed to just stop for him. He stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped blinking, and just stood there like a statue. You assumed you had somehow killed him, and were super super confused. Suddenly again, he was back to himself yelling and breathing. He realized the atmosphere in the room had changed, and he got uncomfortable and ran away.

Virgo: You were 5 years old and doodling on a piece of paper in the kitchen. Your mom was making dinner when you yelled at her to turn around to 'look at your new friend'. She turned to see a moving mesh of weird goo on the counter and screamed. You started to cry because she screamed and the goo disappeared. Your mom slowly walked over to the table where you were to look at your paper, and there was the same goo like scribble. It looked like it had just been drawn.

Libra: When you were about seven years old you and some friends were playing on a swing set. They dared you to go as high as you could, so you did... and fell off and split your arm open. You, as a seven-year-old would, cried and tried to find your mom. When you finally found her and started complaining and showing her your arm, she just looked confused. After trying to explain you had split open your arm, you turned it back towards yourself and saw that you had no open wounds. Just a giant scab.

Scorpio: You were 6, and it was 12 AM on a Friday morning when you crawled into bed with your parents after having a nightmare. You woke up your dad, you attempted to comfort you, but he soon got really uncomfortable. He was burning hot to the touch. He got out of bed and tried to cool down by washing his face, but it didn't seem to make a difference. You started crying again because you felt bad about him feeling bad, and he went back to a normal temperature. He assumed that night he just felt sick, but when he woke up in the morning, he immediately realized what had actually happened.

Sagittarius: When you were 5, you and your friends were playing outside in the forest, when your arm started to feel tingly. You looked down to see your arm covered in flowers and a vine. You went to go brag to your friends that you had a quirk now, but you realized your quirk didn't do anything. It just changed your arm. So you fell to the ground in defeat and hit the ground with your new arm. The ground you punched suddenly had new grass and flowers, and was smashed lower than the surface level. Now that you had confidence in having a cool quirk again, you went to go brag to your friends.

Capricorn: You were in your living room with your dad trying to prove to him that 5-year-olds could be strong too by arm wrestling him when he suddenly began to feel six. He released your hand, and you found a pad on each finger. A clear-ish orange liquid was covering each of them. You asked your dad to look and he seemed really excited. He knew it was a quirk, but he wanted to get you tested soon. So the next day, your dad took you to the doctor, and you were found to have a quirk called poison. Hearing this news, your dad starting taking antibiotics to help him recover from getting sick.

Aquarius: You were just another 6-year-old kid, petting a dog you found someone walking in the park. Your mom was chatting with the dog's owner when she realized she didn't see you anywhere. And the owner realized they had two dogs. Your mom freaked out and tried to get you to turn back, but you just ran off and hid behind a tree. You ran from tree to tree having the time of your life while your mom chased you.

Pisces: One day you were playing with a teddy bear in your bed when you fell asleep. Your parents came to find their four-year drowning in a giant pile of teddy bear. Your parents took you to the doctor to see if it was a quirk since you were so long, and low and behold there you were. A four-year-old with a quirk. Needless to say, your parents had a fun time trying to get rid of multiples of kids toys for the next few years.

This took me way too long to write good god. Anyways, should I remove those chapters where I thought I was dying but I just turned out to have mild Tourettes? They're weird and outta place :/

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