Simply Religion

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Spencer sighed as he looked at the boards with all of the evidence was laid out in front of him.  His brain and eyes had been working together for hours to try and find the common link but to no avail, and the fact that he knew it was there just beyond his reach was making him a little agitated.  He pulled his tie, loosening it slightly so he could breathe.  His fingers slowly went up to his eyes before running through his hair.  

"Hey, kid,"  A deep voice said causing Spencer to turn around.  It was SSA Derek Morgan coming into the room with a disposable cup of coffee in his hands.  "You alright?  You seem stressed more than usual."

Reid nodded.  "Y-Yeah.  I'm good.  I'm just... tired of looking at the same evidence right now."  He said looking around before taking his glasses off.  

"I feel that right now too."  He said looking at the cup in his hands.  "Coffee?"  He asked, holding out his coffee for the young doctor to take, but Dr. Reid just shook his head.  Derek nodded back at him.  "How about you go get some fresh air outside?  I'll see what I can put together if anything from this stuff."  He said as he made eye contact with Spencer.  

Reid shook his head.  "No, no.  I'm okay, really.  I don't need a break."  He said as he continued to look at the board with his messy handwriting all over it.   "I know there's something I'm missing.  I just need to find it." 

"Then find it after your break,"  Derek said before gently patting Reid once on the back.  "Go.  I'll come and get you if anyone comes up with anything else."  He said gently.  

Reid knew he wasn't going to win this argument.  So, he just nodded slightly in defeat before slowly walking out through the door.  It didn't take Reid long before he was walking out of the front doors of the building and into the sunlight and the busy grounds of the campus.  His eyes dart around until they land on a girl walking past him.  She had thin black glasses, jeans with a nice shirt,  and long sandy-colored hair.  She reminded him of Bethany.  

It shocked him that he was amongst girls Bethany's age; they acted so differently from her.  They were walking around in packs, with their phones, being loud and laughing, while talking about what they did at a party last night or what they were planning on doing tonight, wearing tight clothes that didn't really cover much skin.  Bethany, on the other hand, was quiet, didn't have many close friends, hardly ever wore shorts and t-shirts, and never really went out.  She was content with simple things and staying home.

Reid sighed as he pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Bethany's number.  He knew if anything could get him to calm down and relax a little bit, it was her.  She answered after two rings.  "Hello?"

"Hey, Beth,"  Spencer said as he walked to the corner of the steps, out of everyone's pathway.  "Are you busy?"  

"No.  I'm on my afternoon break right now."  She said from the other end of the line above all the other voices that were around him.  "Why?  Is something wrong?"

"No," Spencer said quickly.  "No.  I just needed a break from all the evidence board and wanted to talk to you.  There's just something we're missing and I can't figure it out."   

He heard Bethany sigh on the other end.  "Well, maybe a break is just what you need.  You know sometimes the thing your brain needs is a break just so it can slow down enough and see the smaller details that help you solve a case."  

Spencer smirked.  "You're right."  He sighed again.  "I wish I could give you a certain day when I'll be home.  I hate leaving you alone for so long especially when I know there are so many sick people that can be in our lives without us even knowing it." 

"Don't think like that, Spence," Bethany said on the other end.  "Try and stay positive right now.  We both know that you're going to come home soon, and I will be here waiting for you." There was a slight pause.  "Also, I talked with your mom today."

Spencer's eyebrows went up.  "How is she? And how did she treat you?"

He heard Bethany sigh.  "I think she's good.  She asked where you were and if you were okay... after she told me that I stole you from her and how awful I am for encouraging you to join the FBI.  So not nearly as bad as the last few times."

He sighed when he heard those words.  "I'm so sorry about her.  I promise she'll get used to you."  Spencer said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Don't worry about it, Spence." She said.  "She eventually got off of that topic and start talking about one of the other people in the home who are obsessed with religion." 

Spencer opened his mouth but immediately stopped.  "Religion..."  He stood up as his mind started to run information and make connections.  "It's not Karen... it's Charown!"

"Spencer?" Bethany said on the other end.  

"Babe, you're a genius!  I love you!"  He said as he started running back into the building.  "Listen, I've got to go. I'll call you later tonight, okay?" 

"High praise coming from the diagnosed genius himself."  Bethany smiled from the other end.  "I'll talk to you later.  I love you.  Now, go save some lives." 

Spencer smiled as he continued to run.  He hung up the call as he ran up the stair as fast as he could back to the room the rest of his team was set up in.  Sweat was running down his forehead when he burst through the doors, panting from the run.  "Guys... I... I think I got something." 

Hotch and Gideon looked at him as he ran to the large board and started writing what he had figured out.  Gideon looked at him.  "What did you figure out?" 

"C- H- A- R- O- W- N."  He wrote with an expo marker. "Choarown.  It's Hebrew.  This has something to do with religion." 

"I- I'm Dr. Spencer Reid's wife"Where stories live. Discover now