New Changes

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Both Bethany and Spencer were in their room.  It was getting really late in the night, so both had eaten dinner, had their showers, and gotten into their pajamas. However, only one of them seemed to be ready for bed.  

Bethany sat on top of her bed typing a paper on her computer for one of her college classes while her husband, Spencer, was lying on the other side of the bed, ready to go to sleep.  Spencer turned onto his side to face his young wife, propping himself up with his elbow. "You going to come to bed anytime soon?" 

"Depends on how much progress I can get done on this assignment.  We're over halfway done with the semester so my professors are really piling on the work right now."  She said as she looked at Spencer. She saw he had a concerned look on his face.  "What's wrong?" 

Spencer sighed as he sat up in bed with her.  "I'm just worried about you.  You're not getting the adequate amount of sleep for someone your age, you don't eat near as much as you should for your lifestyle, you're a full-time college student who works a half-time job with an awful boss on top of that..."

"Says the one who graduated high school at thirteen, has multiple degrees and has told me many times that he wants to go get more degrees, and works to analyze and stop dangerous people all over the country," Bethany said smirking.  "Trust me, I'm not that tired.  I have enough energy to get me through the day."  

Spencer looked at her.  "The bags under your eyes and the various bottles and cans of caffeinated drinks in the kitchen's trashcan betray you."  He said as she smiled and continued to type on her computer.  "What do I gotta do to make you stop for the night?" 

Bethany suddenly stopped typing and looked up at him.  "How about a back massage and a kiss?"  She said smirking. 

Spencer smiled at her as he nodded.  He slowly took her laptop from her, taking it to the desk in their room.  He then smiled at her as he climbed onto the bed behind Bethany from her side.  He gently pushed her hair to the side and started to gently massage her shoulders.  "And I thought I was tense.  Your muscles are like the rocks I could chisel a secret message into."

"They're not that bad,"  Bethany said as she rolled her eyes.  She couldn't deny that the massage felt good on her shoulders.  It had been a while since she had gotten a massage at all.  She could feel herself relaxing and starting to get sleepy.  

After a few minutes, Bethany was leaning against Spencer's chest while he held her close and was playing with her long hair.  He couldn't help but smile as he watched her start to fall asleep onto him.  She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, so young, and so full of life.  She always looked beautiful to him.

Their lives since they met have definitely been interesting, to say the least.  From when they met at the county library, to when they started going to get coffee together, dinner, and watching true crime shows.  When he asked her out after her high school graduation, she was more than excited.  Then, a few years later, they are married.  

Spencer smiled as he looked at her.  "I'm assuming you have work tomorrow morning?"

Bethany nodded.  "Yeah.  But the next day is my day off, so we can do whatever you want on your free day."  

"I wouldn't mind staying home with you and just doing things together; reading, chess, TV, cooking... It's up to you."  The young genius said as he held her close.  "I could also take you to the shooting range." 

Bethany giggled slightly.  "You are just so proud that you can carry a gun and not look like a terrified student teacher working with a bunch of middle schoolers." She said as she looked up at him.  "Plus, it's not like I'm in the field, so I have no reason to carry a gun." 

Spencer nodded.  "While that is true, I would like you to start carrying one."  He said causing Bethany to give him a look of confusion.  "Because I know you've wanted to work in the FBI for a while, and JJ has been wanting an assistant recently.  Plus, we can always do with another member on the team." 

Bethany sat up suddenly.  "Wait... are you serious?  I haven't even finished my schooling yet.  Is there any way I could even possibly get this job?"  

"That's why it's only an assistant position."  Spencer sat up slightly too.  "There will be more positions open to you after you work a few cases and get your degree... but it never hurts to start early.  Plus, with a few good references from me and a few agents, it shouldn't be a problem.  And, my team members really like you, so of course, they'll write you some recommendation letters.  Also, you wouldn't have to deal with your boss anymore."  He said smiling.  "But only if you would want to." 

"Of course!"  Bethany said smiling.  She reaching over to Spencer hugging him tightly and kissing him.  "Thank you thank you thank you!" 

Spencer smiled as he hugged and kissed back.  "You're the one who has done all the work to get here, I just may be pointing to the path I hope you go down." 

Bethany chuckled slightly.  "Might as well have a giant, neon, flashing arrow pointing to it if you have that giant smile on your face."  She said as she pulled away from the kiss. 

Spencer smiled back at her.  "Maybe... but anyways, I think since you have work tomorrow and have to start preparing for your new job soon we should get the recommended amount of sleep for an adult of nine hours.  Especially you since your average amount of sleep a night is four hours when I'm gone."  He said laying down beside Bethany. 

Bethany nodded slowly.  "Fine, fine.  If you say so boy genius!"   

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