Day One, Case One

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Bethany gulped as she looked over her outfit in the mirror.  She was wearing a black knee-length pencil skirt, burnt orange blouse, and a cream-colored cardigan.  

Spencer walked out of the bathroom, already dressed and ready for the day.  "You ready for your first day at the BAU?"  Bethany didn't answer, causing Spencer to look up.  "You look ready, at least."

Bethany looked up at him and smiled.  "Maybe, but I feel like a mess inside.  I couldn't even finish my coffee this morning because I thought I was going to throw it up" She moved her hair before walking up to Spencer.  "You sure I'm qualified for this job?" 

"Yes, I'm sure."  He smiled as he walked up to her.  "I wouldn't have suggested the job to you in the first place if I thought you weren't ready.  And they wouldn't have given you the job if you weren't ready either.  Also, you went through the FBI academy at like a record time.  In my opinion, they would be stupid not to hire you for the assistant position.  Now, let's get to the office.  We don't want to late on your first day." 

The entire way to the office, Bethany messed with her hair and nails; a few of her nervous habits caused by stress.  Her right leg was also bouncing uncontrollably.  She gulped quietly as she and Spencer got off of the subway.  She knew it was coming, but she really didn't believe she was walking up to the FBI offices until she started walking up the steps. Spencer opened the door for her and they slowly walked into the building.  Bethany looked around as she followed her husband to the elevator, making sure to stay close to him. Luckily it was just her and him in the elevator, but she still felt like she stuck out like a sour thumb.  

The doors opened and Spencer walked through them with Bethany close to him.  What they weren't expecting was for everyone on the team to be standing in the hallway with Hotch and his wife, Haley, there.  

"Oh isn't he just precious!"  Garcia said as she leaned down, bouncing her pointer finger off of his little nose a few times.  "Congratulations, guys."

Spencer and Bethany walked up and saw a little newborn baby boy in Hotch's arms.  "Thank you, Garcia."  

Spencer smiled.  "Yeah, if you like old-looking and wrinkles."  He said causing Bethany to look at him.  

Bethany and Spencer had talked about having kids before, but not seriously.  The idea of parenting was scary to both of them, and they were both still pretty young to be parents.  Not to mention the fact that both weren't exactly confident when it came to late-night action with each other. Nobody said that if you married young you had to have kids young too... well, nobody except Bethany's mom and grandmother who were desperate for her to have a baby so they could spoil them.  But, both Spencer and Bethany were focusing on their careers.  Also, their line of work was probably not the best for raising a family either.   After all, in the FBI, you never know which day will be your last.  

JJ rolled her eyes.  "Spence, come on.  He's adorable!"  Nudging him slightly with her elbow.

Garcia nodded.  "Yeah.  How can you call a face like that not adorable?"  She then looked at Bethany who was staring at the baby, then back at Dr.Reid.  "I bet your little wifey finds him super cute. Don't you, Bethany?"

Bethany gulped slightly.  "Yeah.  He is cute."  She said quietly.  She didn't want to offend her boss, but she also didn't want Spencer to get the wrong idea about what she was saying.  There was no way she wanted a kid any time soon, especially now that she was working for the FBI.  

JJ spoke up.  "Not to break this up, but we actually do have a case, and I am ready to brief the team.  This one looks like a bad one."  She then came up to Bethany.  "Hey, Bethany.  If you want, we can go into my office so I can catch you up on the case really fast before we brief the team."  

Bethany glanced at her husband who just smiled at her.  She then turned back to her new mentor.  "Yeah.  Yes, ma'am.  That sounds... good." 

JJ chuckled slightly.  "Relax, Bethany.  There is no need for the word 'ma'am' around here.  Just call me JJ.  It's easier and quicker anyway."  Bethany smiled awkwardly before nodding following her through the glass doors, up the stairs, and to the messy office.  

Spencer then looked back at Hotchner who was watching his wife and son go into the elevator.  When he turned around, he looked at Reid.  "I didn't expect your wife to be this nervous."

Dr. Reid looked at him.  "I'm sorry, sir.  But, why are you shocked?"

Hotch walked with Spencer behind him.  "She went through the academy, has you as a husband, meets all the requirements we need, and not to mention JJ was willing to fight to get her if we were going to pick anyone else."  He turned to Reid. "If she does her job well, then she shouldn't be so worried."  And with that, Hotch went back to his office.

Spencer went back to his desk and sat there, not really sure what to think or say.  Luckily, Morgan was listening to the whole thing and knew exactly what to say.  "Listen, kid, she deserves to be here.  We all know that. she just doesn't know it yet.  It'll take a case or two for her to realize it.  However, you have a bigger part in that just because you are her husband.  If you start to doubt her, she will doubt herself a whole lot faster.  You brought her here, now you have to keep her going by believing in her." Morgan patted him on the back before walking away.

Reid sat there and listened to what his friend was saying to him.  It made a lot of sense, and he knew he couldn't have said it better any other way.  "Hey, Morgan,"  The young doctor called, causing him to turn and look at him.  "Thanks."  

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