Chapter One. Unloved

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'Edwin you are hurting the poor creature!' Lillian DeBrook cried to her little brother.

'I am doing nothing of the sort dear sister.'

'Edwin if you don not stop I will go & tell father.'

'The animal was hurt when I got here, I am helping it, but if you wish for the animal to die go run tell father, because you & I both know how he puts animals out of its misery, besides father would not mind, he does not see any that I do wrong.'

She did know be for her mother died she had brought her home a kitten so when her new baby brother or sister came to the world she would not feel neglected. When her Edwin turned two her father bought him a pup. It was still not trained it played to roughly with the full grown kitten & tore off a leg. Father said it was no use to her after that & had Paul her fathers servant kill it.

'Roderick! I shall get Roderick, he shall know what to do.'

'Roderick is but only seven years older than I & but two years older than you. He would not know.'

'But Roderick is smart & gentile, he shall help'

When Lillian reached the Berries house Frey, Roderick's favorite servant had led her to the Library where he was studying with his older brother Jonathan.

'Roderick you must come with me quick.'
Lillian said burst in threw the doors.

'Lilly why have you came? You know this day is my study day.' Roderick replied.

'Frey why have you brought up miss Lillian when you know Roderick is in study?' Jonathan said to the servant.

'I'm sorry my Lord, Miss Lillian told me it was of life or death.'

'Miss Lillian is everything alright?'

'Well yes & no my Lord, my family is just fine but Edwin & I have sound a poor hurt creature & I thought sir Roderick might be able to help?'

Roderick looks from Lillian's panic look to his brothers shocked look. Roderick was expecting a 'no' Jonathan had became so stricken after their parents had died, but to Roderick's surprise Jonathan let him go.

'Alright Roderick but he home fast & this will cut into your free time tomorrow.'

'Yes brother' & he took Lillian had & they ran.

'A doe, you have found a hurt doe? & what I prey you are you expecting me to do?'

'What ever you can Roderick, it is in pain.'

'What have you done to yourself little one?' Roderick said while scanning over the baby deer. 'Looks to be a dislocated leg.'

'Are you able to fix it Roderick?' Both Lillian & Edwin asked.

'Yes but I need it to be still. It will be painful so I am in need of your help.'


'Edwin, can you hold down the bottom half?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Lilly my sweet, can you hold down the top half.

Nodding with tears in her eyes she sucked in a quick breath to hold the tears in.

'My sweet what is wrong?

'Where is its mother? Why isn't she here? What will happen after she is fixed?'

'Do not cry sweet Lilly 'tis a sad day to see such a pretty girl cry. One of three thing will happen, this doe will go back into the forest & find its mother, it is close enough to the age where the mothers separate from their young so It could even survive on its own.' Roderick said cupping Lillian chin to rise her face to his. Roderick looking into her eyes giving her a smile to show her it is alright.


Roderick let go looking down to the doe.
'It will die'

'& it will die soon if we do not fix it.' Edwin shouted.

'Alright are we ready?' Checking both Lillian & Edwin who nodded.

'Done, you may let go.'

'Just like that?'

'I told you Roderick was gentile & he'd know what to do.'

'Look, its heading back into the forest my sweet. Is that..? It is.'

The mother walked threw a bush to her young, & took it deeper into the forest.
Roderick looked over to Lillian to see the big smile she had on her face, he had never noticed before how her lips looked to full & inviting. They have know each other science birth, they are neighbor & see each other daily. He should not be thinking these things she had not even begun to grow breasts. As if she could feel his questioning stare, she turned to face him while still smiling but biting at her bottom lip. 'You did it Roderick

'Yes well now you know what to do & are able to perform it also, So Lilly tomorrow is your birthday, is it not?'

'It is I shall be fifteen'

'Do you have anything planned?'

'No father does not plan anything I don't know if it is because he does not know the day or that he just doesn't care.'

'Why would you say that?'

'Father does not enjoy Lillian as company any longer.' Edwin says breaking into the conversation, witch shocked Roderick for he forgot her was there. 'Father says that Lillian is looking more & more of our mother as she grows.'

'I hurt him.' Lillian says simply

'Well we shall do something then what do yo-'

A loud feminism scream comes from Lillian & Edwin house as the look over they see Edwin their father grasping his chest & falling to the ground as Nova their servant pulled her dress back on.

'Father!' Lillian yelled as she started to run his was.

She was always a fast runner but this day she ran hard, & in a dress making it their before both Edwin & Roderick.

'Father? Father what is wrong? Sliding to her knees to come face to face with her father.

'Tis my lucky day, to no longer have to see your witchley beauty.'

'Father please, Nova ring for the doctor NOW! Roderick can you do anything'

'I'm sorry Lilly there is nothing I can do.'

Lillian looked back to her father. 'Your heart? What is wrong?'

'Get out of my face witch, you should have never left me with these two children alone especially the girl you curs your looks apone. Did you not think I'd notice? She is your exact sponge.

'Father its I Lillian please father tell me what I can do, mother never meant to leave she got sick father, she could not handle the second child birth, please father speak to me. Tears running down her face Lillian begged for her father to see her as her own & not her mother.

'Edwin, Edwin my son my heir.'

'Yes father?'

'Tis a sad day a man not be able to see him son grow to a man.'

'Father you are dying, if the deer not die then you shirley will not, Roderick will fix you.'

'Roderick? A' there you are young sir. I see the way you look at my daughter & I warn you boy, she is trouble. She will cause you pain like her mother, she is no better then a bitch.

'My Lord this lady not be her mother even though her mother so sweet she will not give up on you. Lord took away my mother & father & your wife sir helped me threw it. You have angels watching over you.' Roderick replied.

'Is that so then angels take me to my deer loving wife Ebony.' & as he asked the lord took.

Lillian began to weep harder, turning into Roderick's leg, he bent down to pick her up, walk over the rocking chair & rock her till sleep be her sweet relish had never before felt so helpless did not want her to feel this pain. 'Lilly my sweet, you are an angel.' Roderick spoke soft into her hair & planted a kiss.


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