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Taeyong hold my hand and whispers.
"-I do this because I love both of you. I want yuri to feel loved by her real father. But please dont think I dont hurt. I do." His sweet plea make me change my mind.

Taeyong is my life saver. He pulled me up from my knees. He gave me the wings.

Taeyong and Your love for me is 360 degree different. You are always passionate and Taeyong is soft. I shouldnt have to compare but you truely different in a good meaning.

"-I call you later." you say after you moved Yuri from your arms to Taeyong. I nod.

"And Taeyong ssi, Please take care of both of them. I will make an official statement soon about Yuri. I want to make up what I messed up before."

And you did.

The world shock with the truth. My name come up in the highest searching site and I feel like I am a big star. I should bring my own bodyguard wherever I go.

Taeyong parent's was so shock. But later they accept the truth. But nothing is gonna change. Yuri is still their grand daughter as long as Taeyong is still my hubby. And for Yuri, she is so excited knowing that she will has a new grandparents.

Your parents also 360 degree changed after you proved them you could be better than their thought you would be. Well, You basically the star in the world. They were supporting you on everything you want to do start then. And after you told the truth, I was there when you told them. They cried for me. Okay, it was unpredictable.

They told me how they were sorry for me. And apologizing for their son. They blamed theirselves for your attitude. They requested me to let Yuri stay for three days with them. Taeyong accepted it. And I did.

They were so surprised how identical Yuri with her father, a.ka jungkook. And she was born with definition of beauty they said. Well for me, Yuri is perfect.

They asked why did I named Yuri by my own Last name, not Taeyong's. Basically Taeyong has all the right to make Yuri his own. I have my own answer of that.

Yuri was born by my own will and she has nothing to do with the men. I was so stubborn with this.

But You suddenly mentioned to register Yuri's name with your Last name. Jeon Yu Ri wasnt a bad choice. You told Taeyong could disagree but Taeyong is always wise.

"Yuri is always be my daughter eventhough she change her name." So he agree with anything.

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