Chapter 3

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Blanket's POV

My mom strokes the side of my face and tucks my long hair behind my left ear. I stare at her and swallow the heat growing in my cheeks signifying oncoming tears. Such a gentle touch as hers can make a person think back to four years ago.

"My Prince Michael," My mother addresses me by my real name and shivers rake every inch of my skin. I have never been called by my birth name, and hearing my mom say it makes me think that she is talking to my brother. I have always disliked having the same name as my brother.

"I don't want you to ever forget how much I love you. And when your father and I split up, it wasn't because of you two. Michael and I love you two so much and there is nothing we wouldn't do for either of you. And even Prince and Paris, too. You all mean the world to us. And whatever we do it's for the best of you kids." my mom's short speech brings tears to my eyes, but they do not fall. 

How is it that only words alone can make a person feel so much?

I tell my mom that I love her too. It has been so long, from what I've heard, that she has heard those words from me. She needs to know that since we haven't seen each other in a while that nothing has changed.

Yes, I had been a little angry when she told my dad that she couldn't come around anymore to see us, but never did I stop loving her the way I did, and still do.

I had grown so used to seeing her, and I never knew about Natalie. The two of them never brought her up, making me believe that I was the only child between them. I will never understand why they would keep me from knowing I have a twin sister, and Natalie from knowing she has a twin brother. And it makes me a little more upset that Natalie and I had to find out about each other the hard way.

My mom stands from her squatting position and slowly wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. Her embrace forced the tears out of my eyes and I can't help but let myself cry. I can feel the hurt her and I share, and it's nearly unbearable.

"Taryn Spethan?" A voice interrupts our embrace and my mom pulls away from me quickly and stands. She turns around to find the nurse standing a few feet away from us with a shy smile. My mom greets her.

"I was told you need to talk to me about Natalie?" The pretty nurse stutters briefly and my heart sinks.

"Yes, um. . ." Mom trails off and turns to face me. I stare at her and wait for words. She tells me to go back into the room so she can talk to the nurse privately. Concern washes over me and I cannot help but sense suspicion behind her tone of voice. 

I slowly nod and stand, doing what my mother asked of me. I stare at the two women in the hall way as I walked to the door and closed it as I enter the room. As the latch meets the frame, I turn around and find everyone talking amongst themselves. I'm glad nobody noticed me leave or enter the room, because I want to know what my mom is talking to the nurse about involving Natalie.

I press my ear up the the cold, metal door and try to listen, but the voices are muffled and I cannot make out what they are saying. I slowly turn the handle and pull the door open slightly. I search the small space I have to see for my mom and the nurse, but I cannot see them. I can hear their voices, though, and turn my head so that my ear is in the crack of the door. 

"My son." Mom chuckles.

"He's very handsome." The nurse compliments and my mom thanks her.

"He looks just like his father. Natalie, she's kind of a mixture." My mom giggles and I can't help the small smile creeping onto my face. My lips return to a thin line within seconds following.

"Is he older?" The nurse asks and I shake my head, clutching the door handle. "They're twins." Mom corrects her just as I mouth "We're twins."

"Oh, really? How neat!" The nurse cheers. "Yeah. Blanket was born first, but Natalie was bigger than him believe it or not. He was seven and a half pounds and she was nine." My mom explains and I smile. I have never heard her or my dad talk about the two of us as babies. I rarely ever got to watch the home videos that I was in, because Natalie was in them as well. It feels good to hear about Natalie and I together, though, especially when it's a story coming from my mom.

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I thought about what you told me to think about." Mom begins. I squeeze the metal door handle tighter as I listen. I grow more concerned as fear eats its way through me. I try to shake it off, but the suspicion has nearly taken over my body.

"I've been thinking a lot. I really have. And as a mother, things like this are very hard to think about, let alone decide." I shake my head. This better not be what I think it is.

"So, I made a decision. And. . .I think I'm going to. . .discharge her." Mom says so slowly, I almost believe I misheard her. I know I didn't when she sniffles and sobs. Anger takes over and I slam the door as hard as I can and slide down it. I throw my hands to my face and sob into them. 

"Blanket?" Muffled voices call, but I ignore them. All the voices surrounding me are driving me mad and it's only a matter of time before I detonate.

I can't believe she's doing this. 

I can't believe she's actually going to take Natalie off of life support and let her die. 

I can't believe she's giving up.

Whatever happened to being strong and hanging on? Whatever happened to having hope and faith? For believing and waiting just a little longer?

"Blanket, what's wrong?"

"Blanket, honey."


"Shut up! Leave me alone!" I scream and shove everyone away from me. I stand and yank the door open. I run down the hall way and out the exit.

I can't do this.

I can't handle this.

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