Chapter 16

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Paris's POV

I stay silent along with everyone else as we watch my dad and grandma hold each other and cry. It breaks my heart to see them like this; especially my dad. He and Natalie have not seen each other alive and well since the twins were three, and now they never will again. 

It bothers me that my dad cannot and will not do anything to stop this: taking Natalie off of life support, but I understand why. If he so much as reveals himself in court, he will either be sent to prison for life, or will be killed. 

The thought scares me and I push it away. I wish more than anything that my brothers were here with us right now. I'm sure they know that this is Natalie's last day. 

They can't let the anger they feel toward our dad keep them from seeing our sister. It's ridiculous. It's understandable why they are upset with him, and I understand that they are upset about Natalie dying, too, but it is important to us, and to Natalie, that they are here to see her before she is gone for good.

I  forgive my dad, so why can't they?

I stand from the chair in which I am sitting, and walk over to my dad and grandma. I wrap my arms around each of their shoulders and they look at me. They then remove one of each of their arms from each other and wrap them around my waist. The three of us put our heads together and before I know it, I'm crying too.

Within minutes, the three-way hug turns into a five-way hug. It's nice to feel the love within a hug, a group hug at that—especially with family. The only thing that would make it better, would be if the boys were here. And Natalie. But Natalie's dying and the boys don't like to be touched.

After a few moments, everyone releases themselves from the hug and returns to their previous seats. My grandma wipes tears from her face, then my dad's, and nods. She grabs his hands and holds them tightly in hers. The two of them turn to Natalie simultaneously.

For a few minutes, everyone in the room stares at my little sister in silence. I can only imagine what she would say if she was awake right now.

"Why are you all staring at me? Do I have something on my face?"

I smile at the thought, then shake it away. "Let us pray." My dad whispers and everyone turns to him. A nurse walks in, but as soon as she sees us stand and join hands around Natalie's bed, she exits and quietly closes the door.

We all close our eyes simultaneously and bow our heads in sync. 

Blanket's POV

As soon as we get home, I run straight up to my room. I accidentally slam the door, but I pay no mind, and Prince doesn't seem to either.

I throw myself on my bed and shove my face into one of my three pillows. Without any warning, I begin sobbing, then screaming, then sobbing again. I am so angry with everyone and everything

After many minutes, I finally bring my head up for air, then turn it so that I'm facing the window. I slowly lie my head down on the wet pillow once again and stare at the sunset. The orange, pink and red mixture is astonishing and I catch myself mesmerized by the beauty; I seem forget everything for while.

My breathing gradually steadies itself and within minutes I am calm again.

I slowly close my eyes and inhale, then exhale deeply. I swallow hard before bringing my hands up to my face, rubbing my cheeks and wiping away the tears. I then lie my hands on top of each other so close to my face that my index fingers are touching the tip of my nose. 

This is the prayer stance. I have not done this in a long time.

I sniffle and swallow again, thinking of what to say.

Michael's POV

"Dear heavenly father. . ."

Blanket's POV

"Dear God. . ."

Michael's POV

"We pray that you watch over us in our time of need. . ."

Blanket's POV

"I pray that you watch over me in my time of need. . ."

Michael's POV

"And that you take good care of our Natalie Jo. . ."

Blanket's POV

"And that you heal Natalie. . ."

Michael's POV

"We want to thank you for the time you have granted us with this sweet girl. . ."

Blanket's POV

"Thank you for the time I have had with her. . ."

Michael's POV

"We are beyond blessed and thankful for all that you have done for us, and Natalie. . ."

Blanket's POV

"But please bring her back so I can have some more. . ."

Michael's POV

"In Christ's name we pray; Amen."

Blanket's POV


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