part i

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People surrounded them and pushed their way through the crowded house. The noise of laughter and conversation was almost deafening and here and there drink was slopped from glasses as people moved to the beat of the loud music. She wanted to enjoy that, but honestly, she was just there for the beer. At least on that particular night, she just cared about getting as shit-faced as she could.

Actually, Brian had asked her to go and, being his best friend and enjoying every party she could with him, she gladly accepted the invitation. That party had been something she was looking forward to, but she being fired on that very day did, in fact, fuck her humor up. So she started off sharing some cigarettes with Roger and drinking a few beer bottles, which only made her feel a tad tipsy. It was only when Freddie showed up with glasses of champagne and vodka in his hands that she started getting really drunk.

"C'mon, Roger, dance with me!" Adeline's rapturous laugh reached his ears while she pulled at his hands, obliging him to stand up from the sofa he had been sitting for a long hour chatting with a scrawny brunette girl.

"God, you're so shit-faced," he murmured, bemused at her excitement as she swayed her body to the beat of the music.

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are, Adeline,"

"That's why you won't dance with me?" she pouted, suddenly stopping to move and flopping her body down on the sofa spot opposite the brunette girl.

Her behavior was unstable due to the great amount of alcohol in her system. Adeline crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her head against the sofa back pillows. Her eyes focused on the chandelier hanging above everybody's head. Her brain couldn't quite work out all of its excessive details, but she kept her eyes on it as though being bewitched by its beauty. Her peripheral vision registered the brunette girl slinking out of the room.

"Do you know where Brian is?" she asked, straightening her drunken body on the sofa and looking anxiously around for him.

"He went with John to get more beer," Roger answered with a lit cigarette between his fingers after finishing the remaining of the beer in the glass bottle he had been holding for the past hour. He scrunched up his nose at the already hot liquid.

"Hell, yes," she smirked, reaching out for the cigarette and taking a long a drag out of it.

"Weren't you trying to quit smoking?"

"For Brian, I am. Don't you dare tell him, Roger, " she glared at him, exhaling the smoke through her nose.

"Also, the drink's not for you, darling," he frowned, taking the cigarette from Adeline's lips.

Something seemed to tauten in her face after hearing those words, "What do you mean, Roger?"

He sniggered, "You're not drinking anymore, alright? You can barely stand on your feet."

"Oh, says the one who's extremely responsible and never gets drunk," Adeline guffawed at her own words. "Ladies, he's actually the mom of the friend group and cares for each and one of his friends who are drowning in alcohol! Bullshit!"

Roger was clearly nettled by those words. He gnawed on his lips, preventing the harsh words from escaping them. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the sofa back pillows again. It was quite galling to be told what to do at that age, especially by someone who usually got drunk at parties.

Adeline's brain focused on the people in the crowded living room. She could hear them all around, even though the noise of laughter and conversation seemed oddly distant. Freddie dawdled in greeting people in a regal manner as he moved through the rooms of his house, crown propped on his head. There was a raucous commotion when he reached the living room, guests pushing each other vehemently in order to get closer to him.

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