part iii

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Brian's long fingers traced Adeline's lips slowly, his eyes admiring her features. The dimly lit room held a lighter atmosphere than the previous night. Brian's damp buttoned up shirt was still thrown by the door, not entirely dry yet. Adeline noticed it when Brian stepped on it carelessly as they eagerly entered the apartment. She pushed the door behind Brian until they heard the lock click. For a moment, they stared at each other's eyes, searching for the same feelings and desires.

"Bri, that's your shirt," she murmured against his lips, when he kicked it away, far from them both.

"Yeah, it's been there since yesterday. Guess it can wait a few more hours?" he answered pressing his body against Adeline's. She laughed softly, reaching for his chin and pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

"Don't you dare complain about it later, saying all your clothes are dirty and your place is a mess," she provoked, motioning to the piece of clothing on the ground.

"I won't, promise."

"I'm counting on it, because I won't leave late at night with you to do the laundry again," Adeline shook her head, a wide smile spread across her reddened lips.

He laughed, pecking the girl's lips. "It happened once because my washer machine was broken and I needed those pants! But guess you had fun the last time you accompanied me? You just couldn't stop laughing in happiness when we left the laundry shop in the middle of the night to buy a few beer bottles and you walked in the middle of the street, yelling nonsenses at the inexistent people there?"

He was right. She rolled her eyes at that provocative manner of his, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him once again. "You know, I had different plans for tonight. Guess I wouldn't like to be interrupted by a trip to the laundry place."

"Oh, is that so?" Brian smirked.

"Yes," she answered and disentangled her body from his grip, getting rid of her heavy coat and hanging it by the door. She also kicked her leather boots off and reached the living room, staring around it. "Where's my David Bowie vinyl?"

He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his lips. "By the telephone table, you always leave it there, Ali."

"Bri, it's not here," she mused while he reached the kitchen, opening the fridge and getting a cold beer bottle out of it. "That's why I asked."

"It's not... It's not there?" he asked from the kitchen, frowning and raising his voice so that Ali would hear him while in the other room.

"No," she absentmindedly answered while looking around the room once again.

She approached the vinyl player by the side of the room, completely addled by the record on the platter, the head-shell barely lifted so that the cartridge was centimeters away from the disc. David Bowie's name was imprinted on its center; the cover lay on the wooden floor.

"I'm sorry," Brian's soft voice echoed around the room, making Adeline turn on her heels, a confused look on her features. Brian felt embarrassed, even though he knew he needn't feel like that. He just didn't want her to know he had spent almost the entire morning playing and replaying it, because it reminded him of her. Cheesy. "I... After you left yesterday, I... You know, I listened to it."

It shouldn't be a big deal, should it? Actually, it was. Adeline had so long forgotten that vinyl at Brian's apartment and since then, it stayed there. They ended up creating this weird habit of listening to it during the nights she would have dinner at his place, slowly dancing to the music, their bodies pressed together and hands intertwined, enjoying each other's company. The fact was: he never listened to it alone. It was their thing.

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