part ii

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Adeline pushed her body up in the couch, sitting up and dragging the covers behind her with her movement. Her head spinning as tough she had just been punched hard, which, in fact, would be better than that humiliation. She closed her eyes, her hands pressing against them while she tried to hold back the tears. Never have she thought Brian would react in such harsh manner.

"I'm not, Brian," she mumbled, suddenly aware of the anger running through her veins.

Brian intensely watched her silhouette, gnawing on the inside of his cheeks. His heart skipped several beats and he shifted on the couch once again, but that time Adeline got up. Her feet touched the cold floor again and the sensation of it against her skin made shivers run up her spine. The yellow light from the street lamps around her didn't bore any poetic meaning anymore. It wasn't beautiful.

Silence. She turned to him, eyes slightly red from all the strength to hold back the tears. For a long second, they stared at each other, trying to figure out what to do. Adeline felt humiliated and sadness was what she was all about.

"Yes, you are," Brian broke the silence, insisting on making it all worse with those words. "You can't just say you love me."

Adeline wanted nothing else than to disappear. Everything was going severely wrong. She should never have said those words. Never. She turned away from him and blinked, wiping a few tears that had escaped her eyes. The emotional pain slowly turned into physical pain, her stomach churned and her head pounded strongly.

"Guess I'm sober enough to know what these words mean, Brian. They mean I'm in love with you. What else did you expect?"

"This isn't right," he insisted.

Adeline exhaled heavily and a nervous laugh escaped her lips. She never thought she would be rejected like this. Not like this. Never like this. By the way, what did she expect from Brian? He never really accepted the love he deserved. What would have been different this night?

"It is what it is, Brian. Why can't you accept it?" her pained voice echoed around the room.

"Adeline, you're drunk! You've just thrown up on the sidewalk!"

"I'm not drunk, Brian! Not as bad as before!" she snapped, shaking her head, tears glossing her eyes, her nails pressed against the skin of her palms almost slashing it open. This was so wrong. "God... I'm leaving. I feel so embarrassed, Brian."

It seemed her head was about to explode when she stormed out of the apartment, leaving her damp clothes behind, only dragging her heavy coat behind her. The pain rose from up to down and sideways, obliging her to close her eyes, pressing her eyelids together. She leaned against the stair wall and let a strangled cry escape from her lips. When she reached the street, she noticed the faint clear blue on the sky horizon, which was peppered by a few dark clouds, remaining of the rain. The Sun would be rising soon.

Brian knew he should run after Adeline and turn that messy situation into a fairytale. He would scream her name and beg for pardon, telling her she had been right all the time. They would kiss in the middle of the street wearing pajamas, the Sun rising above their heads and adding a mystic orange light to the scenario. He wouldn't, though. It wasn't going to be that poetic. Not today. He stayed behind, feet planted to the cold living room ground, eyes staring at the closed apartment door.

Adeline reached the nearest telephone cabin, pulling a few coins from her coat pocket and dialing Roger's number.


"Who's this?" Roger's sleepy and raspy voice reached the girl's ear.

"It's Adeline. Listen, can you pick me up at Brian's? I'm calling from the telephone cabin down the street. Please."

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