𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Nikki's POV 

                      Grounded, I was grounded.  Never in my life had this happened before, I mean yeah, sometimes I'd get yelled at.  But that was it!  Why now am I being grounded?  I sighed as I continued to wash the entire outside of the ship.  This was my punishment, cleaning.  After I clean the outside, I have to clean the entire inside and reorganize the drawers.  This is outrageous, like honestly what was going through my parent's heads when they thought of this punishment.  I dipped the sponge back into the soapy water and started wiping up a few spots.  

                  After a couple of hours, I decided I needed a break.  I mean, the ship wasn't going to go anywhere anytime soon.  My dad yelled at everyone not to use it while I was grounded, then my mom needed to reinforce that rule because god knows those idiots don't listen.  I sat on the ground wiping the slight sweat off my forehead when I heard a voice sniggering.  I looked over to see Rocket laughing insanely,  with no ship and a space bar not far, I had a feeling he was just a tad bit drunk.  

"Yes, Rocket?"  I asked snottily, not really caring for his drunken response.  

"You missed a spot sweetheart-"  He said shakily before breaking out into a huge fit of laughter.  

"Yeah, and God missed a spot when he accidentally CREATED your ass!"  I spat back, praying no one else heard my profanity outburst.  

"Well, at least I'm not useless like you,  you don't even do anything!"  He spat back.  

"YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!  You dumb raccoon, WHAT DO YOU EVEN DO!?"  I said losing my temper.  


"WHATEVER TRASH PANDA!  JUST GO AWAY!!"  I spat at him before he shook his head and walked away.  

                Arguing with Rocket didn't phase me much, but because I was already in a pissed off mood, I don't know how to feel.  My heartbeat started beating faster and I felt my face heat.  What is wrong with me!?  Maybe my parents are right... maybe I can be a bit reckless at times.  I felt hot tears stream down my now pink face.  I shook off the tears once I heard my mothers voice.  

"Nikki, are you okay?"  She asked kneeling down, placing a hand on my shoulder.  As if it's been years since I've seen her, I lept into her arms and started sobbing on her shoulder.  

"I'M SORRY FOR DRIVING THE SHIP.  IM SORRY FOR SWEARING AT ROCKET.  I'M SORRY!!" I cried hysterically.  It finally hit me, I don't want to be a bad kid!  

"Nikki,"  My mom spoke up as she stroked my hair back.  "I know you're sorry about the ship,  and I believe you're sorry.  As for Rocket,"  She pulled away and made me look at her as she continued speaking "He's an A-hole to everyone."  She laughed a bit as she wiped my tears off my face.  "I'll talk to your dad about your situation here, just go inside to your room."  I nodded happily realizing to take advantage of this second chance and just sit and behave.   I ran off into my room.  


             I sat in my room staring off to my window, we've been stuck on this planet.  Rocket found a bar,  Groot was doing god knows what.  Drax still found a way to avoid Mantis.  I felt alone.  The same scenery I've been looking at for hours now.  I felt more tears travel down my face.  I really did mess up this time.  I heard a knock at the door and immediately freaked out.  

"G-go away."  I sobbed.  I stayed quiet and heard slight mumbles I couldn't make out.  I slid off my bed and opened my door to see a familiar twiggy face.  I smiled slightly and shook my head.  

"sorry, Groot," I sniffled  "You can come it."  He replied with the same answer he always has and shook his head no.  I stared confusedly at him until he lifted his arms out for a hug.  

"I am Groot."  He said reassuringly.  I smiled at him and went to hug him.  His twiggy arms wrapped around my shoulders as I let a few more tears slip.  He patted my back and pulled away.  "I am Groot,"  He said softly and smiled.  After that, he left.  Once he left, both my parents followed suit by coming into my room.  

"Nikki, can your father and I talk to you?"  My mother asked.  I nodded slightly and let them both sit with me on my bed to talk.  

"Your mother and I have been thinking,  that maybe the people here aren't exactly the best influences for you."  My dad said scratching the back of his head.  That's literally what I've been trying to say to them for years.  I didn't want to speak up though, because I knew it'd just land me in more trouble.  They were quiet and just kept looking at me waiting for some sort of response.  But then the unthinkable came, I spoke up.  

"CAN I VISIT DAD'S HOMEWORLD!?"  I asked,  Both my parents looked at each other then looked back at me.  

what am I thinking!?

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 // 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟Where stories live. Discover now