little secret

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"I'm home!"

Yoongi yelled when he enter there shared apartment with his boyfriend jimin.

Jimin look into the clock and saw what time is it.

"Its 2am in the morning and where have you been?" Jimin ask to yoongi.

Yoongi walk to jimin's direction, he didn't speak but he sitted not really close to jimin and take a deep breath before he replied the younger.

"I'm in the studio jimin you k-"

"Huh, you said me that all day yoongi, you said every morning you go home with 1 or 2 am in the morning, and why you always be in your recording studio huh?"

Yoongi keep his mouth shut and just look into jimin eyes.

"Baby please look at me"

Jimin look at yoongi with no expression.

"So what?, what bullshit explaination do i heard with you yoongi, you know what i'm so tired, i need someone to cuddle me everynight, i need you but you always in your recording studio or maybe you have someone else to fullfil your needs huh!"

Jimin felt his whole body trembling and his angry with yoongi is more agressive than ever.

"I'm not with someone else jimin, you know that your the one i love, im kinda busy all the time thats it"

Yoongi explain what he wanted to explain infront of jimin.

"Gosh yoongi, namjoon and hoseok is home all the time with there love ones but you, your lying on me and i know that"

Jimin walk to the door, but yoongi speak to jimin again.

"Jimin where are you going?"

"Alone or maybe stay away on you, because your the reason why i'm so upset all the time and didn't think properly, good bye"

Yoongi look at the door when jimin left him and he didin't either know what do to with there unfix relationship.

"I'm so stupid, i didn't tell him the truth, i stock at the hospital at 8pm to 2am for my lungs cancer treatment process, im sorry baby"

And with that yoongi cried and hug his two legs thinking if jimin is okay not his health but jimin.

[I need rest:/]

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