Chapter 2

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Family Dinner

Kishele's Pov

Kawhi and I are excited for our newest addition to our family. I've always wanted to have children and I can't wait to meet my baby. We both want a boy, Kawhi says he doesn't care but deep down he wants a boy. Combined together we have six sisters total he has four and I have two. Being the only boy in his family, I know Kawhi wants another male to hang out with. Currently I'm cooking dinner and getting everything ready for family gathering today. Kawhi just wanted it to be parents and sisters, no extra guests. He is at practice right now, so he will be home within a few hours. For dinner I'm making fried chicken with collar greens candy yams and mac and cheese. Kawhi's family loves soul food.

"Kishele open the door," Kenisha, my older sister screams.

"It's open Kenisha," I scream back. She opens the door and gives me hug along with my younger sister Kasandra.

"Where's big fella?" Kasandra asks.

"Practice where else," I scoff.

"You didn't need to be rude Kishele" she scorns.

"Where else would he be sis, he kinda just plays basketball 24/7," I say.

"He could've been picking up his family or at the store I don't know," she said.

"Well he's at practice his mom going to pick up his sisters they should be here soon," I explain.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kenisha asked. I understood why she asked that our families don't always co-exist. Kawhi's sisters are mean well Miesha isn't but his other three aren't so nice. They think I'm with Kawhi for the wrong reasons which is understandable he's their little brother but Miesha and his mom know how I feel about him.

"Kawhi wanted to tell y'all the news together so no one felt left out" I answer.

Kenisha nods "I get that but his sisters are a piece of work".

"They just protective of their baby brother it's normal to be that way," I say.

"That maybe so but you're our sister and we won't tolerate them being disrespectful," Kasandra said.

"His mom and Miesha likes me so that's all matters. Miesha the only sister I really talk to anways " I say.

"Let's hope this dinner is peaceful," Kasandra says.

Dinner Time

Everyone is eating their food barely talking, Kawhi is sitting across from me giving me looks wondering when we should tell them about my pregnancy. I mouthed to him we should wait for them to ask us what's going on.

"Kishele this meal is delicious," Kim, Kawhi's mother said.

"Thank you I know you guys like soul food," I replied.

"So why are we having this dinner in the first place," my dad asks. I look at Kawhi and he looks at me back.

"Do you want to tell them?" I ask him. He groans at me and says

"Yeah I will tell them."

"Tell us what" Kim asks. Kawhi walks over to me and rubs my stomach. Everyone gasped.

"Omg congratulations" Miesha yells. She gives us both hugs.

"My baby boy having a baby" Kim cries. Kawhi glares at her "Ma please".

"What I can't help it." Kim clap backs. Kawhi comfornts his mother while she cries in his chest.

I noticed my mother doesn't look happy. "Mom is something wrong," I ask.

"Yes I happy you're having a baby but I'm upset with Kawhi," she says.

Kim quickly turns to my mother and gives her the death stare. Kim is very protective of her son. "Upset with him for what," Kim yells.

"Oh boy here we go," Kenisha whispers.

"Excuse me what you say," Nikki, Kawhi's sister screams.

"I said here we go again," Kenisha answers.

"Well your mom started it," Monique, Kawhi's sister scream back.

"Ladies chill please, " Miesha says. "Mom relax."

"No I want to know why she upset with my son." She yells.

"Your son can impregnate our daughter but he won't marry her." My mom yells back.

Kim suddenly calm downs and my mom says "That's what I thought,".

"Mom" I yell.

"Kishele relax you're pregnant," Kasandra says.

"What y'all been together for three years and he won't propose to you," my mom says.

"Kawhi's a basketball player you know how they are," my dad says.

Kim gets worked up again "First – mom I got this," Kawhi cuts her off.

"Not all basketball players cheat most do but some don't and I'm one of them I love Kishele and I do want to marry her just not right now, " Kawhi explains.

"What's the hold up?" my dad asks.

"What's the hurry," Nikki scoffs.

"Mom Dad I like the way things are we'll get married when we are ready," I say.

"You mean when Kawhi's ready," my dad scorns.

"No both of us I never said I wanted to get married in the first place," I scoffs.

"How you gonna have kids and not get married?" my mom asks.

"Mom it's my life not yours," I scream.

"Alright let's end this and go our separate ways we can never have a family function together," Kasandra yells.

Everyone leaves the table and get's ready to go. Kawhi and I are in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. "I'm sorry about that" I cry tears running down my face.

He wipes them away "It's not your fault I get most parents want their children to be married," "I never asked you this but would you marry me one day?"

Is he serious? "Of course I would," I answer.

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