Chapter 1

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Hi everybody ! I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in this fanfic, I'm French (if you want it in french, I will give you the link in comment. Hope you will enjoy !

The wind is whistling in my ears. My heart beats at the same pace my run. My blood flows into every part of my body and feeds my muscles as they contract and relax. Under my view, the ground seems to slide under my feet. I can barely feel my cleats grazing the lawn. I take a quick look to the left, then to the right, before looking straight ahead again. No one is blocking my field of view. I passed the opponent's defenders quite easily and nothing, if not about twenty metres, separates me from my objective. Only the goalkeeper still presents an obstacle. Almost imperceptibly, I slightly slowed down when I entered the penalty area. As expected, the goelkeeper approached me to grab the much coveted object. I then readjust my position in a tenth of a second and once my opponent is close enough, my foot instinctively swings back before hitting the ball at full speed. I'm watching her trajectory but once the goalkeeper is passed, I already know that the aiming will be good, and indeed, the ball comes to be embedded in the lower corner, to the left of the football goals. At the very moment when the latter touches the net, the screams resound in the university stadium. As if I were finally getting out of the water, I can hear the noise around me again, the applause of the few fans who came to watch the inter-faculty game, the exclamations of the sportscaster on the mic, and then I recognize the laughter of some of my teammates. I barely have time to turn around when Rachel jumps on me quickly followed by Lori, Kate, Emma and the rest of the team. I fall back under the overwhelming enthusiasm of my teammates. With only two minutes left before the final whistle, we all know that this goal will ensure our victory tonight against Washington's Pumas. After a few seconds, the girls finally let me breathe and slowly regain their place on that the field. Despite the common joy, the game has yet to be finished. After ruffling my hair, something I hate most, Rachel stands up, a teasingly smile in the corner of her face and reaches out her hand.

"Well done Scott!

- Thank you Andrews! "I replied, grasping her hand to straighten myself up.

"Don't thank me, it was with a greaaaat pleasure that I took you running, by force, all winter long, despite your insults and your terrible behaviour and that, thanks to me, your best friend of all time, you knew how to draw within yourself the necessary resources to score this goal today"

One of my eyebrows rises as I refrain from laughing at Rachel's remark.

"You definitely had it all figured out, you're a really good friend Andrews!

- Yeah, I know, I know. I'm the best! " she exclaims.

"That's right! Go back to your place instead of talking nonsense" I told him, trying in vain to keep what little seriousness I had left. She pulls out her tongue before walking away in small strides.

"Very mature Andrews !"

The referee soon whistles at the end of the game. 1-0 for us, we really had to work hard to get this goal but the result is there: just what it takes to get through the next stage of the championship. In the changing rooms everyone is ectastic despite the fatigue. Everybody sing, dance. Even David, our coach, has a slight smile on his face that may only seem like an uncertain face for someone who doesn't know him yet, but it testify of his overwhelming joy. Rachel and Emma, as usual, are in crazyness, standing on the table in the center of the cloakroom and in the spotlight. But tonight they are not the only ones: all the girls and the staff congratulate me on this decisive goal. It has been ten years since the Regal Aces reached the Interuniversity Cup's final and our team has never won. So it is with joy and good humour that we change, before going to celebrate for our last evening here, at home, in San Francisco.

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