Chapter 3

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" Miss Scott, do you realize how your career will change if you accept this proposal ? This will launch your future in soccer. We offer you here the opportunity to go pro !

- I am well aware of this, Mr. White... and... and I thank you for giving me such an opportunity...

- But there is a "but"."

I let a sigh escape before I resume.

"I still have one more year of study before I graduate. And again ! This is if I do not wish to pursue a Master's degree and hope for better job opportunities...

- Miss Scott, I know this decision is not to be taken lightly and I understand that you need time to think about it, but the club has chosen to introduce the new recruit to the game against Brazil in 3 weeks and unfortunately, this date is not negotiable. The deadline is short, at the moment we can't afford to waste any more training time."

My interlocutor stops talking and lets a few seconds of silence pass. I try to get my head in order as best I can.

"Look, I can still give you until tonight to call me back and give me your decision."

I swallow.

"Miss Scott ?

- Yes, yes... I... I understood correctly. It is understood, I will call you back in the evening... Thank you for the extra time...

- No problem. Have a good day, Miss Scott !

- Have a good day..."

Have a good day... well, for the moment it's not going well. White's offer has been looping through my head since we left Salt Lake City. I barely managed to sleep in two days. It has already taken me a whole day to process the information and realize that it was neither a dream nor a bad joke. Then, I spent all day yesterday making two-column tables: one "for" and one "against", trying to put my thoughts in order. As a result, I have only one short afternoon left to make a decision that will decide the rest of my life. In short, today is definitely not a "good day".

* * *

Obviously, my concentration in class since this morning is comparable to a 4-year-old child's. I was reprimanded at least twice in mathematics because I looked out the window and once in physics because I was doing one of my pro/con tables on my results sheet.

I'm pacing in the boarding school room. My roommate is sitting on the edge of her bed with her head between her two hands.

"Sasha, please, sit down. You've been going back and forth from the door to the window for half an hour. You'll end up digging a trench if you keep walking ! And besides, you give me a headache... I don't understand why you're so anxious. Just pick up your phone, say "yes" to White and invite me for a drink to celebrate your success.

- Rachel, you don't understand. My father kept repeating to me every day that God makes: "Graduation is stability". If I do not get my graduation certificate, I would have no guarantee of finding a job afterwards.

- Rooh... No need to think of an "after" that won't count for at least 20 years ! By accepting this offer you will have a job and an excellent one. You'll be paid to do what you love, it's not given to everyone !

- Maybe, but you know as well as I do that a career in soccer is not forever. I'd be lucky if I could still kick a ball at 40 ! And it's not stable either. The day I get hurt, it's over. And the risk of injury will be all the greater as I will have the fatigue of the classes which will be added to the fatigue of the training sessions and games.... "

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