3. The perfect child

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Over the years Jungkook stopped being such a selfish brat and slowly morphed into what some would call the perfect child. He had good grades in almost every subject, could play instruments, was good at sports, had lots of friends and good manners. He was so good in school that he was allowed to skip two grades just like Namjoon did. Our parents, the teachers, neighbors and our family friends would all praise him for what a good boy he was, then they would remember that I existed and would say that I'm good-looking. They weren't wrong, but I always felt left out when they showered him with compliments and I only got the same one every time. On top of that they said Jungkook was handsome too so it felt like I had absolutely no good qualities compared to him. I wasn't bad at anything, just average, which clearly wasn't good enough to be praised for. 

Some things didn't change though. Jungkook always kissed me goodnight before one of us went to sleep and also before we left for school or when I left to go to my dad's place during the weekends. Eventually I got used to it and didn't think much of it... until he did it in front of my friends.

I was eighteen and had Namjoon and Yoongi over to watch some movie after school. We were sitting in the sofa while unwillingly listening to Jungkook running around the house looking for his sports gear.

"Mom, where are my shoes?!" he yelled so it echoed over the entire house. 

She answered that he left them in the bathroom for some unknown reason. 

"And this is why I don't invite you guys over," I said to my friends who nodded in agreement. 

"Ah, I found them!" Jungkook yelled from the bathroom and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. He was always so goddamn loud. 

He came dashing into the living room with his shoes in one hand and a big sports bag over his shoulder. He found me on the couch and kissed me on the cheek. I gave him a quick peck back and went back to trying to watch the movie. 

"Bye, Hyung!" he said and ran out the door before I even had time to answer. 

I stared at the TV until i felt my friends' burning gazes on me. 

"What?" I asked.

"Dude, are you for real?" Namjoon asked. 

"What?" I asked again. 

"You do know that most brothers don't kiss each other, right?" Yoongi pointed out. "On top of that you're both teenagers by now."

I rolled my eyes at them. "Ugh, whatever. It's just a bad habit he has."

"But you kissed him back," Namjoon argued. 

"Yes, because if I don't he won't stop whining until I do. He's been like that ever since he first got here."

"You mean you've kissed him every day for like eleven years?" Yoongi asked. 

I felt my ears get red from the sudden realization. 

"Y-yes! It's not as weird as you two make it out to be, OK? It's just a habit. You don't have any sibling so you wouldn't know." I didn't sound very convincing though and they just smirked at me.

"Yeah, sure. If you say so," Namjoon teased. 


That same evening I reflected over the kisses and maybe they were right. It did seem weird to kiss your brother like that. 

Just then Jungkook opened the front door and dropped his heavy bag on the floor and it pulled me back out of my thoughts. 

"I'm home!" he yelled.

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