6. Birthday party

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I wake up from the sound of my phone vibrating somewhere in my room. The bed squeaks as I sit up and look around trying to discover where the sound is coming from. I find my pants lying on the floor for some reason and the phone is in the back pocket. It's Namjoon who's calling me.

"Huellow?" I answer but my mouth is dry and my vocal chords aren't working properly just yet. 

"Dude, finally you answer! I've been texting you all morning trying to wake you up. I sent you the time for the party yesterday but you never answered," he says angrily. 

I look over at my alarm clock and see that it's already 11.45. 

"Shit. Sorry, I fell asleep. When am I supposed to be there?" I ask while digging around in my closet looking for something to wear. 

"In fifteen minutes! It starts at twelve, Hyung, that's why I've been trying to get a hold of you!" he yells at the other side of the line. 

I almost drop the phone in shock.

"What?! Fuck I need to get dressed!" I say and begin searching more frantically. Why don't I have any good clothes?!

"Hurry up. Yoongi is already here along with most of the other guests," Namjoon says but before he hangs up on me he adds "Don't forget the cake". 

I throw the phone onto the bed and just grab a patterned shirt and some black pants from the closet. As I'm about to put the shirt on I realize I'm topless for some reason. That's odd, I never sleep without a shirt on, but I don't have time to dwell on it and quickly fix my hair so it looks presentable and hurry down the stairs.

Jungkook is sitting in the living room looking at his phone when I come running inside. He's wearing a white button-up shirt with a black blazer on top and jeans to make it more casual. The fitted jeans show off his muscular thighs and the buttons on the shirt look like they're about to pop off from the fabric because of the tight chest underneath. His dark hair is slightly curly and is parted on the side revealing part of his forehead. I hate to admit it but he looks really handsome and put together. 

"Oh, you're awake," he says casually and puts down his phone when he notices my presence. 

The second our eyes meet the memories from yesterday come back to me and I remember that the old Jungkook is gone. It also explains why I overslept, didn't hear my phone and why I forgot to wear my pajama shirt to bed. My face reddens as he just stares at me. I can't tell what he's thinking at all. Is he going to kiss me again or is he going to pretend yesterday never happened?

"What?" he asks with a awkward smile.

 I look at him with confusion. 

"You're staring at me," he explains. "Do I look that weird in these clothes?"

I shake my head. 

"No, it's nothing."

He stands up and stretches his arms over his head with a groan. He lets them fall down to his sides with a pleasant sigh. 

"I've been sitting here waiting for you to wake up for hours. You never told me when we're leaving."

"You could've just woken me up," I say and look at my watch. "Shit! There's only ten minutes left! We have to go!" I say and dash off to the hallway. "Grab the cake and I'll go get the car!" I yell at him and hurry outside before he can answer. 


I honk loudly until I see Jungkook exiting the house, balancing the three story cake with one hand to lock the door. I'm terrified he's gonna drop it but he manages to do it smoothly and carefully gets in the car with the cake resting on his lap.

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