Chapter 8: Sparking Flames

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"Okay, let's get this over with, what do you want Amanda?" I sighed, exasperated.

Amanda, approached me and asked me to follow her for a 'talk'. Despite the raging, feeling that took over my body to run, I still followed Amanda....

Not after I kept asking "why" a several times.

Usually Amanda would be frustrated which would either a.) Tell me here and there, b.) Make it too much of an effort and lose interest, c.) Simply get into another spat.

But this time was different.

And I didn't like it.

Amanda just kept asking me, taking a page out of my own book, to which got me curious.

Thus here I was.

I wondered if Amanda was still set on Hunter being invited to her party, and using me was her only method.

As I followed after Amanda, albeit begrudgingly, before I realized we were outside the school. We were on this abandoned parking lot that was surrounded by tall, wide trees. It was no longer used officially due to newer road construction and that it was too far from the school; compared to the parking lots we have now.

It was often used as a place to quickly sneak out during lunch; often students using that place to get hooky. The little driveway that led to the parking lot was covered with tall, invasive plants and I tried to avoid the thorns of the wild blackberries.

The uneasy feeling threatened to burst out and almost as if I was going to puke, I felt uncomfortable.

"Okay, what is that you want Amanda? To bring me all the way out here?" I questioned, stuffing my twitching hands in my hoodie pockets. "Is it something that embarrassing or something that you really don't want others to hear?"

Amanda stopped a few ways before me before she turned around.

At that moment, the sinking feeling in me burst and I felt cold. Heavy.

Danger warnings rang off in my head and instinctively, my body reacted.

"Who are you?" I said, not realizing I was growling.

The person in front of me was definitely the body of Amanda.

But her eyes...they weren't the Amanda that I knew.

A malicious grin slowly etched its way on Amanda's face and my legs were spread apart. My arms immediately raised up, ready to move with whatever was coming.

Boy, did it come.

Amanda's hand burst into flames.

I thought Amanda was carrying a gas tank and it exploded but that didn't make sense. She was barehanded.

This caught me off guard and I saw a fireball launch from Amanda's throw. I side-stepped to the side and I was off-balanced.

I quickly rounded, seeing my shadow extend with a light trail.

I rolled to the side again and a fireball exploded where I was just stood. Breathing hard, I started to move and avoid the incoming fireballs.

What the heck was going on? How was Amanda throwing fireballs at me? Was she a Witch? A fire witch to be exact? Since when?!

I twirled and did my best to avoid the fireballs Amanda was throwing at me. I could faintly hear her laughing gleefully (not doubt seeing me this desperate).

The pressure was getting to me as Amanda was summoning up fireball after fireball. It only seemed she could throw them and not blast anything at me.

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