Chapter Six:

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Included is the lyric video for One Republic's Stop and Stare. Hope you enjoy it! Thank you for reading this story... I really appreciate it. 



She could still recall the first time she'd laid eyes on him, so smooth and confident that he took her breath away...

She was a freshman in high school, a wide-eyed fourteen-year-old girl who'd forgotten her lunch in her beginner's choir class. That in itself was stupid because she was always hungry. Her stomach had the annoying habit of voicing its hunger during the most inopportune times. And it wasn't even a cute growl, you know? It was a loud, hyena-screeching-buzzer that always had her apologizing to the unfortunate souls sitting beside her.

So that's why instead of sitting outside on one of the uncomfortable cement benches lining the outside of her next class, Kaliah was sneaking down the abandoned hallway of the music building. The gray and white building with the white and blue tiled floor was by far her favorite. The walls were so high, she thought maybe the architect had designed it to give the music students the feeling of singing in a cathedral. The windows were beautiful stained glass designed by art students who had donated them with their graduating class. Sure, the colorful windows didn't go with the tiled floor, but that was part of its charm.

Kaliah ran her fingers along the white walls of the hallway, humming to Hakuna Matata because who didn't like a problem free philosophy? Also, because The Lion King soundtrack had been second only to her mother's collection of old church hymns. She'd just reached the door to her choir room when a voice drifted to her ears and cut her happy humming short.

Like the creepy stalker she was, she left her lunch to find the angel with the beautiful voice. She found him, but he didn't look like your typical angel. He had raven hair that was perfectly mussed, almost as if he hadn't tried to style it at all. She'd spent thirty minutes detangling her heavy cloud of hair and she still looked like she'd been struck by lightning on her way to school! From her place wedged against the wall, like every messed up sociopath ever created, she watched him. She couldn't make out the color of his eyes. but if she had to guess, she'd bet her life's savings (which was like twenty bucks she'd made from washing her brother's car) that they were green.

He was singing One Republic's Stop and Stare.

A fitting song to sing when that was exactly what she was doing. Stopping and staring at the raven-haired boy with the hypothetical green eyes. There was one other person in the room, a gray-haired man with a hunched back who sat at the piano. He looked like the hip version of Einstein.

Einstein grunted, actually grunted, and for some inexplicable reason she started to laugh.

Vivid green eyes flew to her red face.

And like a fool, she fist pumped the air for guessing correctly before she fled the building.

Her stomach had put God-freaking-zilla to shame that day.



Everyone else was asleep in her Mama's yellow house. She could hear Ronan's snoring from the living room where he'd settled on the couch for the night. Kaliah shook the lingering remnants of sleep from her mind and threw her legs over the side of her full sized bed. She found her unicorn slippers with her wandering toes before shuffling her feet into them. Ronan choked in his sleep slightly, and for a few blessed seconds it was completely quiet, before the snores returned with full force.

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