Chapter Seven:

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This is my first chapter told from Dimitri's point of view, so you'll get to see a little bit from his perspective! It's a little treat before the plot really gets going (hehe). Thank you so much for giving this story a chance! I'm so happy I've passed the 100 view mark! 

Enjoy the chapter and please leave comments or "stars" if you like the book so far!



Dimitri's POV

He could have wrung Sydney's neck! She'd followed him to Reignville, to Kaliah, despite all of his best efforts to keep this side of his life protected from the public. Eight years; he'd suffered through eight long years wanting nothing more than to come back home to where all his dreams had seemed possible. To where Kaliah had made him believe he could touch the sky if he wished to.

She thought he'd accomplished everything he'd ever wanted away from her? He could have laughed at the ridiculous notion. He'd discovered early on in his career that there was no way he could write a song from his soul if his soul ached for those he'd left behind. All the publicity, money, and devoted fans in the world couldn't change the fact that he knew he was a failure with mediocre music. He hadn't needed to hear it from Kaliah to understand that, but her words had pricked his pride.

Recently his concerts had consisted of only half of his original songs. The other half of the songs he performed had been covers he sang because they were familiar and safe. Sure, the crowd loved whatever he offered, but he didn't love it anymore.

Ridiculous feeling to have when everyone else thought he was on top of the world.

Dimitri shook his head, thinking back to the events that had finally brought him back. He'd been on his way to a talk show interview when he'd decided to call Jesse Baker. Jesse had been the first to let him know that Kaliah was too good, too pure, too special for him. Not that Dimitri hadn't already guessed that himself. Dimitri hadn't exactly made the best decisions in school or out of it. In fact, Kaliah had been a little intimidated by him the first few times she'd been exposed to his presence. But Kaliah had been intrigued. That curiosity of hers had been what ultimately brought them together.

He still smiled everytime he remembered his first glimpse of her. She'd been a freshman sneaking into the music building's hall. He'd thought she was cute even from a distance with that wild mane of sunkissed curls and those big honey toned eyes. Kaliah had reminded him of a ray of sunshine even before he'd learned her name.

He'd called Jesse to ask him about Kaliah. Dimitri hadn't ever stopped wondering about her. Who made her smile now that he wasn't there? Was she missing him the way she'd promised she would? Did she sing to another the way she'd sang for him? Was she happy? Did she still dream? Would she be able to forgive him when she realized he hadn't meant to return?

Had she loved him after all?

But Jesse hadn't answered. So Dimitri had phoned Sara, the woman Jesse had listed as his emergency contact if he failed to answer for one reason or another. And Sara had informed him through her sobs that Jesse had been in a wreck.

"What about Kaliah?"

"They don't know if she'll make it."

Those words had been all he'd needed to snap him out of the haze he'd been in. He'd ordered his driver to rush him to the airport and cancel his interview. That had been over a week and a half ago.

Kaliah had proved to everyone she still had fight left in her.

And she still had that little spark of quick wit that never failed to amuse him. She hadn't learned to curb her tongue in the eight years he'd been absent. Her almost brutal honesty was part of who she was. He wouldn't want her any other way.

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