Naruto x hinata part 4

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"Well I'm gonna do my best to get you cousin back ummm-" after he gets cut off "Kolbe my name is kolbe" he says after cutting off Naruto "Nice to meet you Kolbe sir" Naruto says politely "Likewise Naruto" Kolbe says with a smile on his face "NOW TELL ME WERE THE DAMN BASTARD IS!!!" Naruto says very frustrated "he comes once every 3 days" Kolbe says very nervous (Naruto POV) shit I told them to come look for me in 3 days Fuck me sideways and I hope I can go back to see hinata........) "Ok Kolbe sir I will be training for my fight with momokishi" Naruto says while smiling and his smile makes the group cofident that he will get there families back.(2 days later) (Hinata POV) it's been 2 days since Naruto left he hasn't came back yet the 5 hokaga is looking unease Sakura and Lee are talking to kakashi sensei about his abbstence and it's freaking us out.i asked the 5 hokaga "is Naruto Ok" she didn't know we're gonna look for him tomorrow I just hope he is ok...........)(Naruto's POV)I've been training my butt off some of the kids were watching me train some of them were copying my movements for some reason I felt like I was being watched I went to go look around and I here a whimper in the Bush I went to check it out and I find this little boy I asked him "are you lost?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes I asked him again "are you lost?" He responded "yes and no......" I was questioning what he meant by that "do you have parents I asked home with a sad look on my face then it was silent for a couple seconds but he finally answered "n-n-no imma orphan...." he said with tears going down his face I asked him "do you have foster parents?" I said the most generous way possible "Not any more they got rid of me just like I was nothing to them just like my real parents" he said with a miserable look on his face I grabbed him and hugged him "don't worry I didn't have parents either they died ween I was born and no one else wanted me so it's ok to be sad cause latter on you make your own family..." he looks at me with a smile "can I call you daddy....." he says very nervously "sure if that makes you happy what your name squirt" "I-it's Kody"he says while hugging with a hard grip "nice to meet you Kody my name is Naruto Uzamaki")(4 hours later) "so daddy you have to fight a guy named momokashi?" Kody says "yuppers kody" (BANG) "AHHHHHHHHH" " WHAT WAS THAT KODY GO TO THE VILLAGE NOW" I run to the loud bang and the screams I see momokashi about to bite someone "ST-" (Naruto gets a flashback of sasuke getting bitten) Naruto punches momokashi's face "NARUTO?!?" Momokashi said with a confused and shocked look on his face "YOU DAMN MONSTER" I say with my eyes glowing red. With my claws out "WHAT THE HELL I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE!?!?" He says out of pure anger "hehe maybe if you weren't such a damn idiot you WOULD HAVE KNOWN CLONE JUSTSU" I shouted he blocked my attacks he grabs Kody and said " I'll bite your little son here if you make a sudden move he grabs a siregin and throws it at me (POOF) "HUH?!?!" He says with a questionable face "SUPRISE" I pop out of the sky and kick him in the face and then hop on top of him and clawed him he screams in pain "AHHH YOU FUCKER" he says out of pure rage he gets up and grabs 4 syringe's and throws them at me then he summons a Huge snake and raps me up in a position I can't get out of I look down at Kody he start balling "DADDY PLEASE DONT GET KILLED" Kody says out of pure sadness" HAHAHHAHAH NOT SO BRAVE NOW NARUTO HUH YOUR SO-" he pauses " GRRRRRRRRR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I have a red aura around me and I am glowing I'm all a yelloish Orange I break out of the position I was in I kick him in the face " YOU DAMN MONSTER I MAKE WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!?!?!" I say as im punching him in his face and throwing siregans at him "AHHHHHHHHH" I use my air jutsu then he runs away coughing up blood"I'll be back s-some day y-you b-bitch" I fall to the floor and black out "DADD-" (3 hours later) "ughh Kody?" I said out of clear pain "DADDY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" he says bailing and hugging me "I'm fine now bud how about we go to the next village over and stay there so I can rest at the hospital there" I say to Kody with a smile on my face "o-ok Daddy" (back at the lead village) "WERE IS HE" Sakura says with terror "I want to know is he ok" Hinata says crying "trust me we both want to know to" kakashi sensei says to all of them "I think we should go pack and search for him"Rock Lee says to everyone "That's a good idea lee!" Sakura says to Lee with a huge smile.lee blushes a bit "Ok go pack everyone" granny hokaga responds (back to Naruto and Kody in the hospital) " ughhhhh my head hurts" Naruto says in pain "well daddy you did fight a bad guy"."touché Kody touché" I say with a dumb look on my face "I have to go back soon and report back" "C-can I come with you daddy" he says with terror "of course you are your my responsibility now Kody!" He says with a
chuckle "ok thank you!" Kody says with a little giggle.(To Be Countinued)

(To Be Countinued)

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