Six: First Steps

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Hello and welcome to the sixth chapter.  Sorry it's late.  You're still a tiny child.  




Slenderman was in his office.  The day had gone by slowly.  You had been unusually jumpy and Slenderman was starting to get a headache.  You were busy trying to keep your balance while gripping the edge of his desk.  The ledge was almost too tall for you, but you were managing.

Slender mentally huffed and shook his head.  The constant paperwork and the noise you were making was starting to cause shooting pain in his head.  He stood up and took a few steps around the desk to where you were standing.

A grin blossomed on your (s/c) face and an idea sprouted in your young mind.  You pushed yourself away from the desk and shakily moved one foot in front of the other.  The wooden floor was cold on your bare feet.  You stumbled over to Slenderman.  

Slenderman just looked at you with a blank expression.  If he had a face he could only imagine his eyebrows being raised, a dropped jaw, and wide eyes.  Since he did not have any of that to express himself he took a step back, kneeled down, and beckoned for you to walk a few more steps to him.

"Come here, child,"  he crowed.  

"Okay," you squealed.

You took much bigger steps than previously.  The change in step size made you stumble and lose your balance.  You fell backwards, landing on your backside.  Tears sprung forth from your eyes like an overflowing river.  They rushed down your face and drenched your clothes.

Slenderman reached out to you and put his hand gently against your cheek.  Your tears slowed to a mere trickle and sniffles left your body.  He stood up and took you in his arms.

"Now, now, child.  You're alright," he said gently.  "Don't cry.  I'm here.  Nothing bad will happen to you.  It was just a little fall.  You'll be alright."

Slenderman sat down in his chair and looked down at your fragile form.  You had reduced your crying to sniffles, but it was evident in your distraught expression that you were upset.  He went over the events in his head.  He was still in mild shock that you had taken your very first steps.  He held you close and continued to work.


Jeff the Killer:

"Come here, (Y/n)," Jeff said.

He stood in the middle of his room.  His gaze was centered on your form.  You were holding youself up by the blanket on the bed.  The blanket was fit on the mattress securely so it would not move when you pulled on it.

Your (e/c) eyes trailed down to the floor unsurely.  You moved your left foot forwards slowly, eyeing the ground as you moved.  Jeff waited patiently and watched as your fingers uncurled around the blanket and your arm visibily relaxed and fell to your side.

"Come on," he encouraged.  "You can do it!"

Your steps became more confident and soon you were strutting around the room.  You walked around a bit, but avoided your father at all costs.  When Jeff would walk towards you, you giggled and walked away from him.

A strained chuckle came from deep within Jeff as you raced away from him again.  This time was different, though.  Your socks snagged on a rough patch on the floor and you tumbled down.  A small red scrape materialized on your knee.  Blood oozed out slowly, starting to run down your leg.

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