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I had trouble getting out of bed since I had to go babysit Seonghwa last night.

I felt like crap, and looked like crap. I sighed as I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I hurried and changed into my school uniform and grabbed my school bag.

I hopped onto my bike and rode down the usual path I take to school.

I saw Mingi riding behind me and stopping right next to me.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" He asked in his cheery yet deep voice. I looked at him and yawned.

"I'm better now, just a little tired. Sorry for lashing out on you yesterday, I just had a headache."

"It's cool, you just look hella tired though." He commented.

"Yeah I had to do something at like midnight."

"Oh no, was it Mr. Park again?" He asked.

I nodded and put my finger over my mouth.

I heard another bike coming from behind us, I looked back and saw Yeosang, the douche.

"Get out the way losers!" He yelled while trying to ram into Mingi and I.

"Fuck off!" Mingi yelled while flipping him off. Yeosang furrowed his brows and began to ride faster.

Mingi stopped his bike and shoved Yeosang.

"What the hell do you want from us anyways?!" He yelled.

Yeosang growled and picked up his bike and rode off.

"Asshole." I commented. Mingi picked up his bike and continued to ride.

Once we arrived at school Mingi saw his friend Yunho standing at the gate.

"Yunho, my man! You're finally back!" Mingi yelled while opening his arms.

"Yeahhh Laos was littt." Yunho said while wrapping his arm around Mingi.

I laughed and high fived Yunho.

"We missed you!" I said with a chuckle. Yunho smiled and high fived me.

"Missed ya too."

I turned around and saw Jongho and San approaching us.

"Hey guys!!" San said while waving at us. He looked at me in the corner of his eyes and I blushed.

"Hey." Mingi answered awkwardly.

I waved and Yunho waved as well.

"I'll be staying back for basketball practice, so your gonna have to go home by yourself, you okay with that?" San asked Jongho.

Jongho nodded and smiled.

"See ya." He waved and San walked away.

I must've been too busy admiring San since Mingi noticed I was as red as a tomato.

"Someone has a crush~" Mingi teased.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Oh please tell me you don't have a crush on my brother, that's so ew-" Jongho said. "Plus he's talking to someone right now."

My heart stopped.


I thought.

Before I could ask who, the bell rang and everyone made their way to class.

I had history today, with Seonghwa.

I arrived to class and sat down next to my friends Ravn and Leedo.

"Hey Wooyoung." Leedo said with a small hand gesture.

Ravn just waved without saying anything.

"Hi." I said as I took my seat.

"Leedo, no talking." Seonghwa said as he looked at the three of us.

Leedo put his arms up and began mocking him.

I silently chuckled and looked ahead.

"Alright, now with your table mates I want you to discuss your opinions on the Great Depression and answer the following prompt. "

Leedo and Ravn turned around and they began to gossip.

"Dude Wooyoung you would not believe what Ravn and I just found out!" He said.

"What?" I asked while looking at them.

"Wanna tell him?" Leedo asked Ravn. Ravn looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah so you know Choi San? That basketball dude, he's talking to Hwanwoong right now and everyone's waiting to see if they're gonna get together or not." Ravn said silently.

"What..?" I asked with shock.

Seriously? Hwanwoong? Why him?

I started to feel a little jealous of the thought of San being with someone else.

"Jongho told me that San was talking with someone, but Hwanwoong? Last person I would expect to be honest." I commented.

"Right, I was shocked to. No wonder why Hwanwoong wanted to join cheer." Leedo said.

"Tch, he's on cheer? Seriously?" I mocked.

"That boy is something else I swear." Ravn added.

I laughed and slammed my hand on the table.

"But I have a feeling that the two are already together." Leedo said out of nowhere.

I stopped laughing.

"I really doubt it." I commented.

"You never know..." Leedo said.

Part of me began to feel really jealous. I mean, why the hell would he be with Hwanwoong?!

I started to feel like this was getting out of hand, so I tried to ignore my inner jealousy and just focus.

The bell rang, and Leedo and Ravn got up.

I followed.

"Wait up." I said.

When I got out, I saw Ravn and Leedo standing there and motioning for me to come see what they were looking at.

From afar, I saw Hwanwoong and San talking. San had his hand on the locker next to Hwanwoong's and they were laughing and smiling about something.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked away quickly.

"Wooyoung, where are you going?" Ravn yelled. I ignored him and I felt hot tears running down my face.

As I was walking fast down the hallway I bumped into Mingi.

"Hey! I was looking for you." He said while touching my head.

I didn't say anything and I tried to get out of his way.

"What's wrong Wooyoung? Are you okay..?" He asked while trying to catch up to me.

I ignored him and tried to make my way to the bathroom.

I heard Ravn and Leedo talking to Mingi.

I ignored what they were saying and went to look at myself in the bathroom.

"Why the hell am I even crying..?" I asked myself as I wiped my tears.

I growled and hit the sink.

"He's gonna fucking pay!" I yelled while grabbing my bag and walking down the hallway.

"Wooyoung are you okay?" Mingi asked while coming up behind.

"I'm fine." I said while walking fast.

"But you-"

"Mingi I'm fine alright?" I said as I walked off.

Hwanwoong will pay for taking him away from me.

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