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                       The shadows

"HOW DID IT GET TO THIS?!!" I screamed as I tightened my grip around fangs neck. He squirmed and dug his nails into my hand  desperately trying to break free. "You brought this on yourself and now..." I looked behind him... and the traffic below. Just incase you're wondering, I'm holding fang over the roof of his twelve story lab. He stared into my eyes looking for sympathy, but he's face just irritated me even more. I hoisted him over the railing and dangled him over. He screamed and pleaded even more.
"Where is she?" I asked
"Who?" He chuckled "your lil girly friend?" He made a face and laughed.
"This is your fault " I gave a evil grin and started to loosen my grip. Terror filled his eyes. This could be his weak point, No if I  let him go he'll fall but that's not enough to kill him.(well that's out of the question).. why? Because he's indistructable.... I could beat the crap  out of him  but that won't work either because he'll get angry and that should boost his strength...... before I could finish my thought the door behind us exploded with a loud BOOM!!! I turned to face my new opponent and my heart sank... my grip loosened and fang fell, but before he could start his freefall he caught tge railing and hoisted himself over (Lucky ass!!). Clutching his throat and coughing out blood he gasped and gagged till he could breathe properly. I didn't look but I'm pretty sure his face was blue.
"" my voice failed as emotion filled me, I started to tear up, not being able to speak or even breathe. My head began to spin and my knees started to feel numb. I was about to run and hold her in my arms  but something stopped me, just a small thought... how did she bust through that door?... how did she look unharmed?... and how did she know I was here?..., as my thoughts flooded my small brain I heard a chuckle from behind me
"Brace yourself you little shit!!!" He gave that ugly smile again "let's see you fight back against your girlfriend" he chuckled "I wonder" he put his hand on his chin and looked into the black sky "Would she be as strong as you?" He laughed and gestured towards her.
 "YOU BASTARD" I screamed and turned to face fang but with lightning speed she flew towards me. And with me in my days watched her fly her fist right into my face . The impact sent me flying.. over the roof and into the air.
 Anger filled me as I flew across the sky, one thought running through my head ... I dragged her into this and Fang did it to her as well. 
"Whoa" Fang exclaimed " Now that's a punch!!, well I have to go now, you have fun" he turned and walked of...
Confused?  I don't blame you.... given that I just rushed into the climax. You're probably wondering "WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING? !!" right? Well for that, we'll have to start of right

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