Gray Matter

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The alarm clock buzzed at 6 AM. Nikita tapped on its head to silence it. It diligently went into silent mode, ready to spring itself up again after 24 hours. She rose from her bed and stretched for 5 minutes. After she completed her morning rituals, she walked into the kitchen, filled a big glass with water, placed it in the microwave and pressed the "30 seconds" button thrice, closed the door, and pressed "Start." The microwave beeped after the timer reached zero. She took the warm glass of water out, poured two spoons of lemon concentrate and a spoonful of honey, and stirred it. Drinking it, she went through the emails on her phone. Next, she reached into the refrigerator, picked up an apple and banana, and placed it on her kitchen island. Once done with her breakfast, she dressed in a crisp black pantsuit. The clock showed 7.30 AM. Nikita and the driver exchanged pleasantries before they started their hour-long journey to the heart of the city to her office.

"Do you want to stop for some coffee today, Ms Nikita," asked her driver. He knew her routine. He knew when to engage in a conversation and when not. Today was an excellent day to engage in conversation.

"Yes, Vishnu, that will be nice." She answered as she opened Spotify and played Mozart's Concerto 21. The volume was optimal to hear each other's words and listen to music.

"The usual on 21st Street? Drive through or dine in?"

"Yes, and drive through, please." She checked her phone for updates regarding a financial analysis. Satisfied with the results, she continued, "How is your college experience?". Vishnu was a 45-year man, a veteran, and now pursuing a degree in emerging markets. Nikita did not ask much about his service; neither did he share much. It was an understanding between them. Her curiosity begged for more information. Nevertheless, she knew better.

"It is going well, Ms Nikita. I have three courses in Accounting, Business Strategies, and Security."

"That is impressive. Those are tough nuts to crack. You can always borrow my books and notes. They are in my study". "Please call me Nikita. You have been driving for five years, and I am much younger than you," she requested.

"I appreciate that Ms Nikita. You are my boss, and I am used to a command structure that does not allow divergence. Please do not mind". He paused before adding, "someday, I shall address you without the honorific." She just smiled at him through the mirror. "We will arrive at your office a few minutes later than expected. The traffic has come to a standstill on the highway. I apologise for the delay. I should have prepared better".

"Well, we cannot contain human stupidity on the roads," she sighed. Then she offered, "make a right on Mango, and we will have breakfast at Sunter. It has been a good week, and my morning is free". Vishnu nodded in agreement and turned the sleek black BMW 7 towards the discussed destination.

"I have been out of touch with studies. But, I must say it is exciting to be back in college."

"How so?" she quizzed. She certainly would not go back to college. Now she was putting those lessons to work and learning on the job.

"I have been in the service since I was 18. I was in it for 22 years. I learned a few things that I can implement in the class. It is interesting to see young puzzled faces when I answer a question or raise one myself. I involuntarily reciprocate the same". Vishnu smiled at her.

"I am glad that you are having a good time at college. I hope you are getting enough sleep and exercise. You were pedantic about it when we first met". Nikita chuckled in her nostalgia. "Someday, I would like to talk to you sitting in the back seat of your chauffeur driven car." She continually encouraged Vishnu to pursue a degree. It was, to an extent, an obsession of hers. She respected the man and wanted him to have the best opportunity if the current job did not work out. So far, so good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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