sharp piece of metal in a period of the spin of earth in which half gets low sun

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Blake the bloke wants to get some humans to die to get humans to live. He goes to mermaid fort to kill mermaids with his copyright infringement RVB armor enhancements (Look it up), and stabs a mermaid with his copyright infringement halo plasma blade, but a knife. He gets splashed a bit after running into wall and goes to the top of the tower to commit suicide JK he has wings and thus this and that because every transition in this goddamn story is thus (Fucking Shakespeare wannabees). Meanwhile, some pedo is molesti-I MEAN drinking the blood of some mermaid girl and wait shit he 173'd her but wanted to molest her I guess I was right. He eats her (Get the fuck out mush) and then makes her a deer or something and leaves. Apperently this is a tf2 crossover because the guy is the grey man like Grey Mann and prolly has a robot army. The mermaids are now having a panic attack and want to catch him again.

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