He...did it

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And yet another Chapter today....I'm going to the Beach so I'll finish it Right now before I swim and die by a shark.
Anyways Enough about me Enjoy!

Ink's POV
*7:00* (At night)
I saw dream Peeking in Classics Room
"Dream?" I said
Dream Flinched before turning to me
"What?" He shaked Out
"Why were you looking in classic's Room?" I questioned Suspiciously
"U-uh NOthing! IjustrealizednightmarescallingmeBye!"
He ran
And I was left there confused
I went into Classic's room to wake him UP for dinner
"Classic! Wake up!"
"Mom...I'm still Tired Give me 1 hour.."
"Classic...Papyrus He's..."
Classic instantly Woke UP.
"Heh Just messin' with ya Papyrus is Alright."
"So why did you wake me UP?"
"Its Dinner time."
"Wait...How long was I asleep?"
"Only 2 hours."
"Ok good."
"Do you have any ketchup?" Asked Classic
"Yes we do! Follow me."

*at the sining room* (yes the sin room.)
Classic Quickly Went to the fridge to grab Bottles and I mean 100 bottles of ketchup enough to Make a thousand skeletons drunk
Some people were shocked of How many he carried.

Sans POV
"Are you sure you can drink all that?"
Ink asked
"Yes." I replied with a calm tone
"You didn't know that I was the number 1 eating machine." I spoke again
"But I am really EGGcelent at cooking as well." I snickered at my own pun
"BROTHER!" Papyrus yelled
"Sorry Bro!"
Then suddenly
We all turned to the noise...We saw...Cross and Nightmare...(Not makin' out) or either one of them broke My Favorite....
"You guys....Broke...My favorite...mug..."
Tears start to fall down my face
"N-no! He did it!" Cross yelled
"No! You were the one who-!" Nightmare shortly Got Cut off By glares Then Nightmare sweatdropped
Then Abyss slowly said "Why you..."
"I didn't do it!" Nightmare yelled again.
Then I slowly Walked to my...newly broken Favorite Mug...
Tears still in my face...
"My...Mug..." I Said Shockingly...
"Who broke it?" I questioned
"It was Cross I tell you! He was the one Who broke it! He literally was talking to me and knocked it Over!"
"It's cross." Everyone said except me of course I don't know for sure
"Classic no need to cry I can buy you a new one!" Ink Warmly Said
"Really?" I look up at him if He's certain
"Yes." He replied
"Thank you so much!" I quickly Give him a kiss in the cheek and skipped over outsize to wait for Ink.

Inks POV
"Oh my gosh." I whispered The people who gave
All of the glares I received Were Jealous.

End of that

Oh...Classic kissed Ink in the cheek And the others are jealous What Will they do?! To gain Classic's Heart and Love (no not LOVE as in
Level of violence But love)
See ya next time guys ONNNNNNN
*Dramatic Music While I jump off a cliff*

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