Full prologue

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A/N: Warning I'm changing Bruce's back story a little to obviously fit Alithea in. He won't become Batman till after Alithea's moms death. I'm doing this so that everything works with my story. If you don't like it then you don't have to read.

Alithea Grace Wayne, Bruce Wayne's only blood related child at the moment. Her mother, Emily, died in a car accident from a drunk driver when she was only 5 leaving her with her dad from then on out. He was a busy man. He's the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. His father, Thomas Wayne was the founder. It was one of the most successful companies in Gotham, let alone the World. He inherited it after his parents were both shot in front of him by some petty street thug who wanted his mother's pearls.

That little boy was forced to change and grow up that night. Alfred took custody of Bruce and he grew up in Wayne Manor. He was extraordinary in school and once he was of age he took over Wayne Enterprises. He became well known for his work and was subsequently shown in the tabloids and the news frequently. He was the worlds most eligible bachelor at one point. That was until Alithea's mom came in to the picture. Emily Morgan was an enigma. She shattered Bruce's world, everything he had known was changed the second he saw her smiling face with her golden locks and sapphire eyes.

She captivated him and was the first girl to ever turn him down. She was the daughter of the Charles Morgan, owner, founder, and CEO of Morgan Pharmaceuticals. When he met Emily he did everything he could to woo her over including lavish gifts, but she was not impressed. She kept him guessing for months until she finally agreed to go to dinner with him one night. The rest was history from then on. They were married two years later and shortly after had Alithea. Who looked exactly like her mother Emily. Blonde locks and all. Everything was amazing, Bruce was actually happy. Until that one fateful night occurred.

It had been lightly raining the night that Emily packed her and her daughter into her small BMW. She had just gotten done buying Alithea her new clothes for her first day of preschool. She had been driving home when a drunk driver swerved and lost traction spinning out of control, hitting Emily and Alithea. Their car rolled and Emily was impaled by a piece of shrapnel. Luckily Alithea was safe in her car seat. Emily bled out while Alithea cried in the back. Alithea was traumatized but only had a few scratches.

Bruce turned cold again having to suffer yet another loss. He thought things would be different once he met Emily. He was finally starting to recover from his parents but the wound was ripped wide open again. It caused him to turn into something, someone....dark. He went looking for justice, for his parents and for his wife. He found that when he became Batman. It gave the man back something he was missing.

He continued to care for Alithea but from a distance. Alfred quickly turned into Alithea's closest confidant, since there were no other kids around and Bruce had fired the rest of the staff after what happened. Alfred would bake cookies for her whenever she wanted. He'd hug her when she cried about missing her mother. Her favorite was when he'd let her get all dressed up in her princess outfit and he'd pull out an intricate tea set and little Ali would grab her stuffed animals and they'd have a grand tea party with scones, muffins, and finger sandwiches.

Eventually as Ali got older Bruce started to see the natural talent his young daughter had. She was smart, clever. It was like she always knew what was really going on behind the scenes of everything. She observed things most others wouldn't. She was quiet and sneaky, like a cat. Bruce had to be careful about what he was talking about or doing in the Manor. Ali had caught him on several occasions cleaning his bat-a-rangs or talking to Alfred about a particularly nasty felon. He didn't want her knowing or being involved in his dark work. She was too young, too innocent to be corrupted like that yet. Maybe one day but not now.

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