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The two weeks flew bye quickly.

Before I could say
Otorhinolaryngologist, I was packing up the little belongings I had and was already out the door of Cumberland . I understood though, this was how the world worked. Even though I was the one that resigned, this reiterated the fact that everyone was replaceable.

Big organizations like Cumberland strived greatly on the high levels of unemployment, they could pay us peanuts for all we cared. We wanted a job no matter how much we knew we were being cheated.

A peanut is better than no peanut after all.

I walked out of the cool air conditioned building and without looking back I made my way out into the humid air. I was immediately bombarded with the busy sounds of the economy. Armed with my resumé and a determination that could move mountains I started my walk along the block of businesses.

The nagging voice that kept saying I will end up having to go back to my home town with my head held down and my dignity in shreds prompted me walk faster.

I needed a job, and I needed it now.


By noon I was exhausted.

I have been walking in and out of buildings asking if they were hiring and leaving resumes at the front desk. So far I had not had a stroke of luck. By then the blinding heat and the lunch rush had drained me of the earlier determination which had ebbed considerably, leaving me feeling a little defeated and a lot tired.

I walked into the first coffee shop I could find, thinking I could maybe spare the money to buy something cool to drink. Maybe a glass of iced tea, or a bottle of water.

When I was inside, I was bombarded with the smell of freshly baked goods and the familiar aroma of brewing coffee. I inhaled deeply savoring the smell and immediately deciding to add a croissant to my list.  An extra 5o cents couldn't hurt...much.

As I peered up at the menu from the back of the fairly long line, I became aware of the nagging feeling of someone watching me.

I shrugged it off, chalking up the tingly feeling at the back of my neck to a reaction to the heat and suddenly stepping into the ac.

It persisted and after trying to resist for a while longer, I let my eyes trail from the menu to casually slide across the room.

The tables were mostly filled with men in business suits sitting in front of coffees and talking on cellphones. There were also a few -what I assume to be college students- tapping away at their laptops while taking hurried sips of various coffee beverages.

As my eyes skimmed over the crowd, I did a double take as I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes. The stranger had a hood over his head, and after holding my gaze for a few seconds. He bent over a black book, his hands expertly holding a pencil that moved in decided strokes over the pages.

I was aware of the goose pimples that swelled over my skin. Tingling as it spread up my arms and neck. He looked up at me again, and when our eyes met he held my gaze once more.

I was startled by a slight tap on the shoulder. I turned around to look at the short girl who had her light pink hair in a curly bob, she gestured to the line with a slight smile. During my little moment, the line had moved up and I was holding up those behind me. I shuffled up in the line, mumbling a thank you to the girl.

I tried to act unaffected but I could feel my face flushing. I still felt his eyes on me but I ignored it, focusing hard on not giving into the nagging urge to peer at him from under my lashes.

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