LoveRain (Jungkook)

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Everything was gray outside the sky, the rain, the building and also the street. You watched how people were rushing to find shelter under the rain while you were with a warm cup of coffee against the window, listening to the sound of rain which hit the glass. It soothe your nerves n send your body in a complete relaxed state. For others, the rain was never a good thing.

You loved the rain since you were little you didn't know why but you feel happy watching raindrops,overlapping ripples on water surfaces.The coldness that numbs you and the stories that it tells; you fell in  love with all

It was also one of these rainy days that brought  you the most wonderful person in your life. Even more it remind you of how poor heart  learned what  love really is. Whenever it rained, a strange, fuzzy feelings washes your body. You remember how his eyes looked that day, how he saw you and found the same thing in your eyes.

You bring the cup down silently and went back to bed where he was sleeping. The sheets made contact with your skin as you bury yourself in them and in his wramth. His arms brought you closer and you watched as he opened his beautiful eyes slowly.

He kissed on top of your hair,
"Can't Sleep"?

You smiled after hearing his sleepy voice. His thumb rubbed gentle circles on your exposed shoulders,"Jungkook"? He hummed in   response his voice sent vibrations, "its raining outside".

By now, he was fully awake, his eyes looking outside the window and a smile appeared on his face, "yeah it is" Jungkook said, before looking at the time. "Y/N I need to go now". He let go of you, getting up from bed.

"Your leaving again"? as you watched him grab his phone inside his coat,"you haven't been here that long".
He saw the sadness in your eyes,"I know but i have to go back".He didn't give you a choice you could only sigh and go back to bed without him. And you felt  his breath close to you before he kissed you "I'll be back home soon".

The door closed and you felt the cold rushing to you. The room waa quite and the only sound you could hear was the rain hitting your window. You looked outside and watched the rain alone.
The rain now seemed to be different in your eyes it seemed so cold and sad which you still found it beautiful. You closed your eyes finally pulling the sheets that carried his scent closer and fell asleep.

Next morning

Jungkook didn't return after.He said something came up their schedule was packed. You were sad by the news  but can't do anything. You were scared, scared of all the attention their group was gaining afraid that it'll bring you further more distance from each other. The doubts were never ending but you forced yourself to let it get to you.

Jungkook never showed you, you know how tired and exhausted he was.  You are his shelter the only home and knows of where he won't need to worry about anything else.

"What are you doing"?He came out of the bathroom taking shower and stared at you.
"Helping you prepare for your flight tomorrow. I'll take care of it,you go and sleep".You said as you folded his clothes neatly inside his luggage.

"I'll do it Y/N" Jungkook took your hand away from his luggage and helped you up,"You don't have to do that for me".

"No I want to, just go and sleep". You push him to the bed "you haven't been sleeping well don't think you can fool me, Jungkook. He was about to speak but you cut him off by holding your index finger against his lips "Sleep".

"Alright" He sent you a smile as he placed his hand on you hip and pulled you down on him for a kiss and he said "Don't overdo it I don't need to bring anything if only i could bring you".
You giggled "I'll miss you too if that's what you meant."

Jungkook grinned up at your smile "will you accept if i propose to you right now? "

You stared into his eyes and gulped "P-Propose?"

He nodded and smiled, "Isn't it about time to propose to you? "He took your hand and kissed it "Don't tell me that you haven't thought of it before"

"I have but not like this".You answered  suddenly you see him kneeling in front of you.

"I don't have anything to give you yet but will you accept me if I ask you to marry me right now?". Jungkook studied you face closely from you eyes to your lips "Y/N".
You blinked your eyes twice. Is he serious? "I don't really care if you give me anything or not. I'm fine just with  you".

Jungkook smiled again and you felt a lump in your throat when hw stood up and walked towards refrigerator. He came back carrying a can of coke drinking everything at once. You watched him as he twist the part that he used to open the can."Y/N" Jungkook then knelt down, slipping the make shift ring on your ring finger,"Will you marry me?"

"If you say yes I'll make you the happiest  girl in the world" He said not breaking eye contact with you "If you say no, I'll still make you the happiest girl in the world."

Jungkook smirked as your lips turned up  into a smile "your choice"

"You really need to get some sleep Jeon Jungkook." You pulled him up and he towered over you catching you as he stole a kiss from your lips. Usually he would be the one to pull away but you remembered that you still need to finish packing his stuffs so you break the kiss.

"Not yet" He said and smirked.

"Jungkook!" You hit him playfully on his chest."I still need to finish your packing  stop joking around and just go and sleep"

"Yah! I'm serious how dare you laugh at me?" Jungkook said taking a small velvet box from  his pocket he opened it and displayed a diamond ring in a  shape of a raindrop.

You gasped as you finally caught onto what was happening Jungkook took out the coke can ring off of your ring finger, and it replaced with the diamond ring he bought for you.

"Lets get married when I return from tour Y/N" Jungkook wiped a tear off your cheek and kissed you, "I promise to make you the happiest, most beautiful bride bride in this world"

The End.

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