●Chapter Seven●

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"And that is why I have an irrational fear of ants" I finished my story as everyone was laughing their asses off, "that's hilarious but also traumatic!" Cam wheezed. "It was!" I yelled at him shoving a piece of chocolate in my mouth, "watching it all happen was hilarious but also kinda disgusting" Matt chimed in. I rolled my eyes as Mason spoke up, "I woulda loved to be there to witness that" Eric smacked him upside the head.

"What cunt?! Not in a sexual way!" He yelped, everyone began to calm down and I was slightly concerned for Toby who just kept wheezing. "Why does this taste so weird?" I asked in confusion realizing the chocolate had an earthy taste to it, "what do you mean?" Eric asked and leaned over and grabbed it from my hands.

He looked at the wrapper and he went pale, "Eric?" I asked feeling concerned. "Who gave this to you?" He asked his tone was serious, "Eric wh-" he shook his head and cut me off. "Just tell me who gave this to you" he stared me down with those stern eyes.

I looked around the room but didn't see him around, "Uhm that one guy? I think his name is Chad?" I asked and he groaned but stood up and grabbed my hand.

He pulled me to the kitchen and told me to sit, I was confused but ended up jumping on the counter and swinging my legs around.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, he turned around and gave me a small smile. "No, of course you didn't. Just Chad did, but I'm going to have to help you through this since everyone else is too gone." He huffed grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Help me?" I asked feeling a bit of panic set it, he just nodded and opened the bottle for me. "Tell me when-" I began to move my feet a lot as my eyes widened.

"Dude... My feet feel like they don't exist" I gasped in awe, "that happens." Eric finished his sentence and mumbled something under his breath. "Huuuh?" I asked and he just let out a little chuckle, "Que?" I yelled at him. "Do you fucking speak Spanish now?" He asked, I let out a giggle as I pointed towards the ceiling with a grin.

"Hon hon baguette!" I let out a yelp as I was suddenly picked up and carried over Eric's shoulder, "oi yuh big strong man I see!" I yelled. My brain felt a little fuzzy as I bit at my lip, "does my lips always feel this full? I feel like a Kardashian" I mumbled under my breath.

Suddenly my eyes began to water and I full out began to sob, Eric put me down and looked at me. "Oh God, did I hurt you? I'm so sorry Y/n!" He kept apologizing but I shook my head, "then what's wrong?" His expression grew soft.

"I don't deserve you guy's." I admitted feeling my heart sink, he stared at me with sad eyes. "Don't say that" Eric grabbed my shoulder amd sat next to me.

"But it's true! I've only been here for a day and you all are so nice to me. After everything I did? I don't deserve kindness." The tears began to burn my cheeks. I felt too ashamed to look at him but was surprised as he wrapped his arms around me.

It was an awkward position but it still felt nice to hug someone other than Matt or Mom.

"What you did wasn't out of selfishness or anything like that, you were feeling hurt and in a dark place. Other people have been there too and it's so common for people to do what you did. The good thing is that you survived." Eric explained to me.

"Why is that good?" I couldn't control the words that fell out of my mouth, and I regretted it dearly.

"If you didn't survive, I wouldn't know you. Matt would blame himself and the world would be a darker place. I don't want you to ever feel that way. I'm not good with my words but I don't know how to explain it more... You just matter Y/n." Eric let go and I fell back into the bed.

Feeling tired and sad, I didn't want him to leave me.

"Are you going to bed?" He asked standing up I nodded but didn't want to be alone, "Eric will you just stay in the room until I fall asleep?" I begged him.

He let out a sigh and stared at me with those warm brown eyes, he acted like such a tough guy sometimes but I knew he truly was just a soft guy.

"Of course" he still looked like he was contemplating whether or not to sit on the bed with me. I made grabby hands at him and he took the note, I sat up and laid my head against his shoulder letting out a yawn.

I let my eyes close slowly, after a minute or so I felt him lift up my body and adjust me on the bed, covering me up and leaving the room.

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