Episode 6

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I dont know why in the middle of night I just search about tips how to be a good boyfriend. That is when Minji come in my room and lay down beside me. I just hope she don't see my phone screen.

Now we are in my house, packing my things. Minji were in the living room, probably wandering around. I just pack 50% of my cloths. Because, yeah what's the use of washing machine then.

Beomgyu: I'm done

Minji: Is this your picture when you're lil kid?

She points at a small frame that I hung on the door of my room. I just nods to her and she took it off; taking the picture in it.

Beomgyu: Why?

Minji: To do this

She open her phone cover and take out a small photo, replace it with my picture. She then pass me the picture that were on her right hand.

Beomgyu: Wait, this is you

Minji: That's the only photo I had when I'm a baby, keep it just like what I do...

Both of us have clear phone cases and all we do is put picture of each other on the back of our phone cases. No offense but her smile looks like Taehyun's a bit when she's a baby.

Minji: Lets go to the cafeteria nearby, we don't have our breakfast yet

I agree with her and decide to go to the cafeteria I used to go with Taehyun. It was near enough that we could reach it in 5 minutes just by walking.

It was 10 in the morning and I'm still sleepy because I can't sleep well last night. It was such a great memory but I'm too new for it.

We go to an empty table and waited for our order. I just lay my head down on the table because I can't hold it anymore, 5 minutes of sleep could be good enough.


He put his bag on the empty chair and straight put his head on the table, he do look tired because yeah I wake him up too early this morning. He's so cute.

I take out my phone and look at the picture I took this morning with Beomgyu.


❤156chaeminjji  Morning with @itsbbamgyuu 💕

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chaeminjji  Morning with @itsbbamgyuu 💕

Beomgyu's phone dings, giving him an instagtam notification. But that didn't wake him up,probably he's drowning in good sleep. I smiled by my own, not realizing our food had arrived.

I get close to his ear to wake him up because it seems like he will only wake up if there's loud voice or something.

Minji: Beomgyu

He flinched and I also do that I back up a bit incase he's going to sit back straight up. He just tilt his head to the side that I can see his face clearly. The marks on his forehead really tells me that he was having a very nice nap.

His lips distract me a little, make me remind about our kiss yesterday. Will he wake up if I kiss him? People's were busy with their phone so I guess it will be fine tho.

I get my face closer to his but I think it will be too much if I kissed his lips, so I think its better to give him a peck on his cheeks. I stop breathing because I knew at this distance, he could feel or hear my breathing.

I smiled and pouted my lips a little, that is when he moves and instead of his cheeks it was his lips that were connected on mine.

I could see his eyes opened slowly but instead of pulling away like before, now he react to the kiss for awhile and parted our lips before anyone notices.

Beomgyu: I was up since you call my name earlier... I just want to see your effort in waking me up, I didn't expect that coming tho

I hit his shoulder and he chuckles. He take our food closer and we dine in our breakfast. In the middle of it he checks on his phone.

Beomgyu: Well, what's this?

Its my turn for my phone giving me a notification that he followed me back and liked my recent post, following by a comment;

itsbbamgyuu Its almost noon now😜

We just end our day with laughters. As we arrive home when it nearly dark, I'm going to do my homeworks so I just wash up and wore my pyjamas.

I'm doing my homeworks in the living room while Beomgyu were in mine ever since we arrived.

I stand up and went straight to my room. He seems a bit shocked with my presence and press few thing on his laptop before I could reach to be beside him.

 He seems a bit shocked with my presence and press few thing on his laptop before I could reach to be beside him

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Minji: Can I join you here? I was in the living room and we are doing the same homework

Beomgyu: Sure, this is your room anyway

I happily smiled and get my things in the living room to my room. I sit beside him on the bed and we brainstorm our answers together.

Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we focused and that's how we spend our night before we slip in our dreamland.


The morning comes and we had to attend college. I prepare cereals for me and Beomgyu to have as breakfast. Before its getting late, we pack everything for today's class and get going.

We were walking to the school together with our hands linked. I can see our college building which means we are near already.

Beomgyu: Minji, your shoe laces...

Minji: Aglet?

Both of us stopped walking and he get on one of his knees to tie my shoe laces back. He stand back up and just calmly smiles, he's such a cute and gentleman guy.

Minji: Thank you!

I kissed my index and middle finger and make an indirect kiss by putting it at his lips. He smiles and scratches the back of his head.

Beomgyu: Why do you do that?

He probably feels uncomfortable now and I feel so guilty.

Minji: I-

Beomgyu: When you can do this

He stretch his arm to grab my waist and pull me closer to him, immedietly placing his lips to mine. His soft lips are greeting me in the morning, making my serotonin rushing in me vigorously.

How I wish I could stay like this with him for a long time. He break the kiss and patted my head gently.

Beomgyu: I love you

Minji: I love you more sunshine!

With that he just walk happily, leading me. I can see he kept on bouncing a bit while walking; he must be taking so much sugar this morning.

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