Episode 20

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Minji: J-Jiwon?

Jiwon: No, I don't want to show you to your brother! You're a whole mistake!

Minji: But he probably want to see me

Jiwon: No one want to see you, neither do I!

Minji: At least tell me his name, please mom...

Jiwon: His name is Kang Taehyun and he will never know about your existance, keep your voice low or else... I'll lock you up in that room

A warm hand wake me up to reality. That's when I realize that Beomgyu was wiping off my tears. Now I know who is my brother, that also explains why I look like him when I was little.

Beomgyu: Did that name remind you of someone?

Minji: G-gyu... I think... Taehyun is my brother

I look into his dark brown eyes, wanting to gain his trust.

Beomgyu: Maybe your mother's name is just the same as Taehyun's

Minji: No! My mom said that my brother's name is Kang Taehyun... I still remember!

Beomgyu: So, you want to meet her?

He said bluntly; blinking in confusion.

Minji: No, I want to meet Jeongin

I grab his hand and put it down. He just nods and walk out, that is when I cried more. My family, now I know who is my family. But in the same time that will haunt me.


I walk out just to ask Ryujin for confirmation.

Yeonjun: Beomgyu, you're here.. I was about to-

Beomgyu: Is it true that Taehyun is her brother?

My eyes staring right at Ryujin, waiting for her answer.

Ryujin: Seems like I missed that part

Beomgyu: Tell me more so I can be more careful and aware

Ryujin: Little did you know actually she is a child out of wedlock and that's why her mom didn't expose her... That's why Minji and Taehyun have different family name

Beomgyu: Chae Minji, Kang Taehyun... no wonder she look like Taehyun when she was little

I said outloud as I look at the back of my phone where Minji put her picture when she was a little kid.

Ryujin: Her mom was embarrassed to show her to Taehyun, in her mind.. Minji is dirty and it was a mistake giving birth to her... When she got a new husband and got Taehyun, she treat him like a prince while Minji got treated like a slave

I ran my hand through my hair, messing it up. No, I'm not stressed about Minji, I'm stressed that she had to face this at such young age.

Beomgyu: She said she want to meet Taehyun but not her mom, she will be free in this week

Ryujin: Please do what she want, she might blown up if she met her mom

Yeonjun: Yeah, she might remember the past that she shouldn't remember at all... the past that she try to forget all she could

I lay my head on the couch; thinking. What should I do? I'm not in a wrong relationship, its already written in my fate of life to help her because I was choosen to do so.

But should I make her see her mom? So that her fear lessen. What if it grew? Too many questions that it makes me close my eyes tight.

Yeonjun: We've been keeping this to ourself for years, now I think we should help Minji to overcome her phobia

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