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"I think he's your top," she informs him later that night when he barges into her bedroom demanding to know her impression.
"See, I told you if you just met him that you'd agree-" Elijah stops himself. "Wait. What did you say?"
She giggles. "I said that I think he's your top."
Elijah stares. "How can you know that?"
"I suppose I can't," she says. "Unless I walk in on you two shagging-" She holds up a hand. "Which I have no interest in doing, before you ask."
"I wasn't going to ask." Elijah frowns. "Also, we're not like that. We haven't done that. We're not going to do that."
She raises a manicured brow.
Elijah sinks down onto her bed next to her with a sigh. "Look, even if there was some small chance he'd be interested in me if he knew I was a bottom, he's not interested in a relationship anyways."
"Really?" For some reason she seems surprised. "He said that?"
"He didn't have to," Elijah says. "I mean, his housemate said he only liked casual hook-ups and he didn't correct him, so..."
"Maybe he's in as much denial as you are, then."
"What are you talking about?" Elijah demands.
"Look, you asked me to see you two in person and tell you what I thought-"
"Actually, I specifically asked you not to come and see him in person," Elijah corrects.
"And what it looks like is that you're in a relationship and he's your top."
As she picks up her textbook again and opens it in her lap, Elijah feels a strange and wild hope surge in his chest at the words, stated so simply and matter-of-factly.
"That's really what it looked like? Are you sure?"
"No, H, of course I'm not sure," she tells him. "But if you wanted to be sure you could probably just ask him, you know."
Elijah deflates. "I mean. He's not my type anyways. So. It's not like it matters."
"Right," she says. "Also, before you ask, as an unbiased observer, I can assure you that-"
"That what?"
"That his arse is better than yours."
"Leigh-Anne! I wasn't going to ask that."

"Is that Elijah Willson?"
Elijah feels Christian's arm slip down from his waist as he turns to see Ed sat at an outdoor pub table, grin on his face and beer in his hand.
Elijah smiles back without thinking about it. It's the first time he's seen him since he and Nick broke up and maybe it's supposed to be awkward but it's hard to be awkward around Ed.
"This is Christian," Elijah tells him.
Christian nods at him. "Alright, mate. Had some sick tunes last I saw you. When's your next gig?"
"Wait, do you know each other?" Elijah looks between them. "From where?"
"At Pieter's party," Ed says.
"Remember, a couple of months back?" Christian prompts Elijah. "Ed was there, too."
"I know Ed was there," Elijah says. "You were there?"
Christian looks confused. "Did Pieter not say...?"
"Come over here," Ed interrupts. "Keep me company, I'll get you lads a pint."

Christian has Ed in deep conversation about his songwriting process by the time a blond woman appears from the crowd. She giggles as Elijah's eyes widen.
"Now, where on earth did you find Elijah Willson?" she asks as she plops down beside Ed, beer sloshing from her glass. "Wasn't expecting to see you again."
"I mean," Elijah tells her. "I still live here?"
"And who's this?" She turns her attention to Christian.
"This is my b-" Elijah claps his hand over his mouth in horror. Was he so used to calling Nick that that he's about to introduce the boy he needs to end things with, the boy who isn't even looking for a relationship, as his boyfriend? He dares a glance at Christian, who just raises his eyebrows at him. Elijah finishes lamely with, "Christian."
"He's your Christian?" she repeats.
"Sure, that sounds about right," Christian says easily, slinging a tattooed arm around Elijah's shoulder. Elijah feels his anxiety drop away and he reaches up to tangle their fingers together, grateful he didn't seem to have messed things up.
Ed laughs, reminding Elijah that they're not actually alone. But he doesn't let go of Christian's hand.
"So, what do you do, Christian?" Caroline asks, sounding amused.
"Me? I just work over at a record shop." Christian smoothes his fringe over his forehead.
"And he's a singer," Elijah puts in when Christian seems like he's not going to continue.
"You are?" Ed asks. "Should've said so, mate. Here I'm going on and on."
"I'm not really-"
"He's really good," Elijah interrupts, squeezing Christian's hand. "He writes, too. He hasn't let me hear them yet but I'm sure they're brilliant. You should see his covers on YouTube, they're sick."
"Elijah," Christian protests with a giggle as he buries his forehead on his shoulder.
"They are," Elijah insists.
Christian raises his head up, slight flush on his cheeks, looking that kind of embarrassed-pleased he always gets with compliments. It makes Elijah want to shower him with all the compliments in the world.
"Fuck, who would've guessed that," Caroline's sharp voices cuts through Elijah's thoughts.
"Guessed what?" Elijah asks.
"Nick's been on the pull for a proper twink for weeks. That's why he dumped you, wasn't it?" She gestures, beer sloshing in her half-empty glass. "Now you of all people have pulled the twinkiest twink in town."
Elijah feels his eyes widen and he drops his hand from Christian's.
"All right." Ed laughs awkwardly as he tries to extract the glass from her hands. "Think this one's had a few too many."
Elijah feels his chest tighten.
"Don't worry," Caroline says. "I'll tell Nick all about it. Proper revenge and all that."
"What?" Elijah's voice breaks.
"Jesus, that's a bit bloody offensive, isn't it?" Christian snaps.
"That's a compliment to you, love," Caroline says.
"You know, that's not even the part I was talking about." Christian tugs Elijah's arm to make him follow him as he stands up. "H, come on. Let's go."
"Oh, and with the best arse in the town," Caroline adds, very obviously checking Christian out now that he's standing up. "You really are living your best life, aren't you, Hazza?"

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