Chapter Eleven.

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Bruh I'm actually so excited to write this chapter you don't understand.


"I know what I saw" Hoseok said. Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Hoseok-"

Hoseok covered his ears and told Namjoon to shut up. "I said believe me or not. and you don't believe me. that's your opion. not mine. but all i'm saying is that I saw Taehyung" He said.

Jin walked back into the living room with a tray of cookies and some tea. "I thought I may as well make some tea for us all. Let's try to calm down from everything mkay?" He said placing the pink polka dot tray on the small coffee table.

"So....How's everyone's day, apart from Hobi" Jimin said awkwardly. Hoseok pouted.

"Mine was decent. I had maths homework to do but i wasn't bothered so i got into the book. I have a detention now. This Friday and Monday" Yoongi said sipping his cup of green tea.

"That's what you call a decent day?" Jin rose an eyebrow. "Well, overall it was pretty decent..." Yoongi mumbled.

"Ah, leave him alone hyung!" Jimin said. "How can you all act so calm about this? Taehyung is practically in danger-"

"Hoseok, sweetie that's enough for today mkay?" Jin patted Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok pouted yet again.

As the boys continued to make conversation, trying to ease the dark atmosphere in the room from Hoseok's story, Hoseok was lost in thought.

He traced his mind back to that moment he saw Taehyung. "A rope hit his head.." He mumbled under his breath. Namjooon, who sat beside him looked over at him "What did you say?" Then Hoseok gasped.

"JUNGKOOK!" Hoseok shouted. Causing Jimin to jump spilling tea all over his school jumper. Yoongi laughed and Namjoon tried to clean up the tea that spilt onto the table. Jin choked on his tea.

"W-What?" Jin coughed. "Jung-Jungkook?" He asked.

Hoseok let out a frustrated sigh "Ah! I swear I heard Tae say Jungkook when a rope hit his head..."

"And now Prince Jungkook is involved, the story continues!" Jimin said leaning back in his chair. Yoongi began laughing. Namjoon hit him. Jin just stared at Hoseok with confusion.

"Talk some sense into him Jin would you?" Namjoon asked. Jin nodded quickly and dragged Hoseok into the kitchen.

"What the fuck?" Jin crossed his arms after he closed the door. Hoseok followed the older's actions, folding his own arms over his chest.

"If you're just goign to listen to me tell what i have to say and tell me i'm insane, then I have no business here" Hoseok was about to walk out when Jin stopped him.

"I believe you" Hoseok looked at Jin with wide eyes "You do?" Hoseok let out in surprise. Jin nodded.

"It sound weird and impossible but I know you're not lying. I know where Taehyung is" Jin said.


"How's your knee now?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was waking up from a slumber.

"It's alright..." Taehyung said in a husky voice sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"E-Em...I'll go water your moment" Jungkook got up but was stopped by a hand grabbed tightly around his wrist. He glanced back and saw Taehyung's big hand gripping onto his wrist. Taehyung's eyes were closed which in a way made it more creepier yet amusing.

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