Chapter Thirteen.

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Jungkook walked through the thick trees of the forest. He sighed remembering the way Taehyung and him had left their conversation off but there wasn't really anything Jungkook could do now.

If he made Taehyung upset that was his fault but he can't think about that right now. He had to make it to him.

He came to a tree with a ladder attached to it. Jungkook smiled. "It's been a while, my hideout" Jungkook climbed up the ladder and opened a latch at the top of it. he climbed into the small house and dropped his bag of supplies.

"I must be near the kingdom..." Jungkook gulped. Jennie and him had made this treehouse when they were kids and said it was their secret hideout. But Jennie moved to England for her dad's work and didn't get to go there much. And now they were to old. And well, Jungkook went against the law.

Jungkook then pulled up the ladder and closed the latch. He threw the ladder into the corner of the house and set out a pillow and blanket he packed.

"It will do for the night-"

"Chan? When are we setting up camp?"

Jungkook's eyes widened. He glanced out the window and saw nine knights with swords held in their hands and bags on their backs.

"We'll set up camp a little further. Let's keep going another while" Chan said.

"YES!" The others shouted. "Do you think there is anyone around in this area?" Yongbok asked.

Chan hummed "maybe, but i don't think so" He said. Tears brimmed Jungkook's eyes. 

"Yongbok" He whispered.

"Did you guys hear that?" Yongbok asked. "Are you going insane again?" Chan asked.

"Maybe the side effects of his headache are kicking in" Jisung laughed. Chan looked rightly pissed off. He walked over to Jisung and hit him on the head. "HEY!"

"maybe do your fucking job and stop worrying about Yongbok!" Chan said sternly. Jisung scoffed. 

"Come on guys let's go" Changbin announced. Everyone started to go but Yongbok stayed back for a moment. He looked up in the trees.

Jungkook for sure thought their eyes met but Yongbok sighed and walked off.

Jungkook was a bit sad that Yongbok didn't notice him but relived at the same time.

He wanted to run to him and hug him but he couldn't.

"If only things went back to before..."


I skipped along the halls of the castle smiling at all the workers as I passed by. I then stopped when I saw Yongbok and two other knights. I giggled and walked over. 

"Good morning!" I peeped out from behind Yongbok's shoulder making him jump and the others laugh.

The three of them bowed "Good morning Prince!" They said in unison. I started to laugh "Treat me casually when my father isn't around please!" I put my hands together in a praying way.

They all laughed Yongbok threw his arm over my shoulder. "Alright, Hyung" Yongbok winked. I sighed. 

"No matter what i do I can't win with you all" I pouted. "Aish, Fine we'll call you Jungkook then." Jisung laughed. I smiled and nodded.

"I always tell the workers to treat me as if I'm their friend. I hate that you have to be formal with me. It's annoying. Everyone apart from my father and Jennie talk to me formally so i get sick of hearing it you know" I said. The three knights nodded.

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